Re: Finding Resonance of mass Idea!

Bruce A. Perreault ( )
Sun, 25 Jan 1998 13:08:48 -0800 (PST)

On Sun, 25 Jan 1998, Dave wrote:

> I've been monitoring the exchange of questions and answers on the
> subject of finding the natural resonate frequency of objects, and not
> once did I read a suggestion of using a "Laser Beam Listening Device"
> and a Laser transmitter source which is modulateable!

A Laser by nature has a very tight frequency range -- so how is a examiner
supposed to switch frequencies? Assuming that one could get a laser source
which can transmit over a wide range of frequencies (or be modified to do
so), then yeah, that'd definately work. Small semiconductor lasers are
cheap enough for people living on a "Radio Shack budget" -- but again,
you'd still need a way to alter the frequency output of the laser (and
semiconductor lasers don't have that ability, to my knowledge).
Keep in mind: most of us here have a R.S. budget (or, more appropriately,
a "pocket-lint" budget). :)