Re: [OFF TOPIC] Economics of FE/Plan of attack!

Dan A. Davidson ( (no email) )
Sun, 25 Jan 1998 08:22:39 -0700

Everyone on the List:
It is nice to speculate on the economics of free energy and other such
advanced devices but I for one agreed with Jerry to sign up on this thing
in hopes I would see some technical discussions. So far all I've seen is a
little info on bismuth, some of which is wrong, and a cry for the
frequencies of the elements. I have published some of those freqs and if
you understand ratios you can figure out the rest. They are in my
published books.

I think we all agree that disemination of the ideas and plans is a good
thing to cover our backside. At the same time apply for a patent or sell
devices so it can't be supressed by a secrecy order. And start building and
selling them like crazy.

So, please, lets quit blathering about economics without a working device
and get on with some real input on how to build free energy devices,
gravity vehicles, etc.

Dan A. Davidson

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