Mixed Techno-PR

Roger Natanaelsson ( natanael@swipnet.se )
Sun, 25 Jan 1998 09:51:54 +0100

Hi All,
I am new to list, and like to put some questions.
Is F/E going to save 3rd world countries ?
You need a pump, you need drilling, you need tubes (who pay).
Power from Solar Cell-panel or F/E unit, does it really matter?
Maybee education and planting of trees will do more ?
The real consumer of Energy is You and me !

Marketing a F/E unit, I would start in my garage (Apple/Macintosh did)
and supply my 'local area' and friends. As for dealers, I insist
that they operate from a garage...thats part of strategy.A new way
of marketing, very basic.We guys stick to garages. Even the size
of garage have to be set, just to keep operation small. Rather more
garages than big.

I am suppriced but this was some of my thinking. Let see what technical
problems has to be solved.
