Re: [OFF TOPIC] Economics of FE/Plan of attack!

John Berry ( )
Sun, 25 Jan 1998 19:12:32 +1300


Free energy can be stopped if all information is not spread correctly
(spread ALL information with results of tests), It can be stopped if
the plan of getting the free energy device out is too slow (make the
plan as fast as possible after release of information), It can be stopped
if the people can be stopped the people can only be stopped if there
is a small number of people so that they could be harassed,
blackmailed, killed, paid off (safety in numbers or as 'hexslngr' said

Free energy can be stopped if you trust people and it can be stopped
if you don't trust people (Trust everyone but don't give anyone the
ability to harm you or inother words trust everyone with nothing that
they can stuff up or destroy), Free energy can be stopped by your
own greed or agenda (make your ONLY agenda that of getting
free energy devices in every home, Money or fame is just the sugar
on top, take it if it comes but don't demand it, Don't let it get in your
way it's not really worth it).

Last I have seen one person release a lot of good information but
do no real good as it appeared as though he had not tried it him self
as he gave no experimental results (Make sure people know you are
claiming verifed experimental resualts and give as many details so
people know it is not just a load of BS)

The answer to FREE energy should be FREE to everyone and no one
should be stopped from making, using or selling these devices.

John Berry wrote:

> Hi Dr Jones, et al...
> ... I dunno, I'm sorta with Ken. I'd like to continue this FE Economics
> thread, but perhaps this isn't the best place to do it? This is supposed
> to be a technical discussion (or at least that's my impression). The
> Economics of FE (marketing, sales, distribution, etc) *NEEDS* to be
> discussed - but if people are unwilling to listen, I'd be more than happy
> to take that discussion elsewhere. Take it to e-mail or find us some quiet
> mail-list or IRC channel or SOMETHING.
> At any rate -- my whole reason for bringing up the economics tie-in is
> that many people seem to think that somehow they're going to change the
> world overnight and all the established businesses are just going to turn
> a blind eye to them. That's like walking into combat thinking the enemy
> isn't going to shoot you dead. Clearly strategic use of economic
> principles *MUST* be utilized by inventors -- or their inventions are just
> going to rot in burning hell. Also, to those worried about people ripping
> off their ideas and running them into the ground:
> Blow off. Seriously. Not to derail the topic, but remember IBM? Yeah,
> those guys. They took the PC and made their technology available so other
> manufacturers could build PC-compatibles. They helped to establish an
> industry standard. But did they die? Of course not -- because once they
> set the standard, THEY LED BY EXAMPLE. I'm suprised nobody here figured
> that out... or maybe I'm the only one who took economics in high school.
> I dunno. I'm not trying to set anybody off -- I'm just rather miffed at
> the general attitude by folks who just want to brush off the economics
> side of F/E altogether.