Re: [OFF TOPIC] Economics of FE/Plan of attack!

John Berry ( )
Sat, 24 Jan 1998 21:43:54 -0800 (PST)

On Sun, 25 Jan 1998, John Berry wrote:

> I don't think that this discussion should go anywhere else, but I think that
> [OFF TOPIC] should be put in the subject line so that people who don't want to
> read or discuss anything that is not quite on subject can set a filter to
> delete all emails with [OFF TOPIC]
> as on vortex mailing list.

Hmm... alright then. [OFF TOPIC] it is! Hmmm... what really needs to be
addressed are the issues of funding, sales revenue, and sales
organization. Decentralization is the main theme here, since obviously
everybody and their brother has reason to want to keep F/E under wraps
(namely -- anybody who has anything to lose by it). The earlier-discussed
approach of giving the product to hobbyists to train future salesmen to
conduct manufacture and sales PERSONALLY is a great way to run a
decentralized system (the only problem being that people can always just
run with the technology and leave you high and dry -- hence why it's also
a good idea to have another form of income).

Using F/E on the Manufacturing side is also a good idea. Away from prying
eyes, you can use F/E to supplement your normal energy needs, and thus be
able to live OFF the grid, rather than ON it. PG&E (or other local utility
name here) can bite me.

Funding is, of course, the final and most important issue. Few investors
will want to dunk their money into this -- because most investors are too
stupid to understand the physics, and those who do dont have the money.
That's why I suggested using F/E in manufacturing or using some other
source of income to fund F/E research -- since you're not likely to run
into a "smart investor" anytime soon. Besides, if you don't deliver
results quick and fast, investors have the tendency to get really pissy
(they're in it just for the money, after all - NOT for the benefit of
society at large).

Principles before Profits, folks -- I can't stress it enough.
If you have one shred of skill in your body, you can find a way to make
money while still giving products away freely (Netscape does it -- giving
away their browser while charging for the Server -- THAT's SMART
BUSINESS). It's time we start treating this like a business/war-time
simulation rather than just a technical passtime... because I'm sure as
hell that everyone else is treating it as such, and hence why anyone who
DOES come up with something that works gets SNUFFED.

So what's everyone else's take on this? Anyone else have any good ideas on
market-strategy when it comes to F/E devices?