Re: Economics of FE

Bob Aldrich ( )
Sat, 24 Jan 1998 17:26:58 -0800

Jerry W. Decker wrote:
> Hi Bob!
> You wrote;
> > But what was given away doesn't have to be the final, finished product
> > or idea. It could be just the beginnings of it, so that others could
> > prove for themselves that the idea is workable...<snip>
> That is an excellent approach and one I and others had hoped Minato would
> appreciated...hell yes, give everyone the plans for the self-running
> bicycle would draw that much more attention to his power
> generating units which are much more far no response...

Who is Minato?

I have read that the original makers of a product generally have not
much to fear from others ripping it off, because they know how to make
it best, have the most reality on the product, and people who copy
generally don't quite get it right. Money motivation is a much lower
motivation than the joy of creating and bringing something new into the
world, and those whose money motivation brings them to copy a product to
make bucks are themselves lower level beings. I think the general public
can tell the difference in products. So giving away a little bit of the
idea to get the concept knowm about doesn't seem to me to be much to
fear, because the originator of the idea is usually light years ahead of
anyone new on the scene. He's been creating it for years.

So just keep saying it, Minato may not have taken the bait, but someone
will eventually. Its called progress. A new way to get something out
into the world! I think it deserves a try! Unlike MLM!

Bob Aldrich
Los Angeles