Re: Economics of FE

Marcelo Puhl ( )
Sat, 24 Jan 1998 16:23:30 -0800 (PST)

On Sat, 24 Jan 1998, Bruce A. Perreault wrote:

> Also, this will give these "hobbyists" a first option to become
> private dealers. One hand should wash the other. Who would
> know better than the people who built the technology? Wouldn't
> these guys or gals make the best sales people?

Ahhh.. now I get it. Yes, distribute test versions to hobbyists -- and
they would make the best salesfolk. Of course!! What better than to have a
competant hobbyist who knows the product inside and out. As long as you're
not concerned with profit TOO much, then this basically falls under the
third alternative I gave earlier (distribute product through many
small-time dealers who make sales PERSONALLY, rather than from a central
point of sales). In that way, hobbyists who know the product best can call
upon friends and associates, explain the product to them, and the cycle
continues -- presumably they would send you a fat royalty for the
priviledge of selling said product, of course (and there's the wonderful
income you wanted).

While the product would spread slowly -- it would likely spread to a much
wider audience, and the audience would be the best and brightest (since
they can always go back to the salesman who can answer their questions
fully - and if not - he can pass said questions along to you, or whomever,
whatever the case may be). It is also presumed that all salesmen have the
capability to BUILD devices themselves. In case you haven't figured it
out, I'm trying to express the concept of DECENTRALIZATION ON ALL LEVELS
(so that if "the spooks" come after you, you made your money, and the
product will live on through it's supporters -- manufacturers/salesmen,
as well as consumers themselves).

Plan for everything! Never know when somebody in the business will decide
they don't like you and kick down your door, ya know. :)