Re: Signatures ?

Bruce A. Perreault ( (no email) )
Sat, 24 Jan 1998 16:44:15 -0500 wrote:
> On Sat, 24 Jan 1998, Bruce A. Perreault wrote:
> > Folks,
> >
> > This will not work because the resonate frequencies of
> > elements are the the Mhz. range...
> >
> > What transducer and microphone can work in these frequencies?
> Hmm... bOING! Got me there, guy. Ummm... well, there's always RF.
> Same concept, higher frequencies -- same results. Although I could've
> sworn something was posted to KeelyNet recently about creating and
> detecting sonic waves well into the MHz range. Or maybe I'm thinking about
> the file on collisionless shockwaves. Damnit. Help me out here, Jerry!

* Yes, by's called "nuclear magnetic resonance."