Re: Signatures ?

Bruce A. Perreault ( )
Sat, 24 Jan 1998 13:25:53 -0800 (PST)

On Sat, 24 Jan 1998, Bruce A. Perreault wrote:

> Folks,
> This will not work because the resonate frequencies of
> elements are the the Mhz. range...
> What transducer and microphone can work in these frequencies?

Hmm... bOING! Got me there, guy. Ummm... well, there's always RF.
Same concept, higher frequencies -- same results. Although I could've
sworn something was posted to KeelyNet recently about creating and
detecting sonic waves well into the MHz range. Or maybe I'm thinking about
the file on collisionless shockwaves. Damnit. Help me out here, Jerry!