Re: Economics of FE

Bruce A. Perreault ( )
Sat, 24 Jan 1998 13:16:10 -0800 (PST)

On Sat, 24 Jan 1998, CJT Enterprises one wrote:

> To Everyone,
> I am going to put this VERY BLUNTLY. If you work for someone else or in
> other words have a J.O.B. (Journey of the Broke) you will never have
> enough money on the side for anything. A job never pays what your worth
> only what the position is worth. You want money? Go get Napolean
> Hill's books, Orison Swett Marden's books, How to be rich by J. Paul
> Getty and other such books. I recently was helped by a group of
> businessmen recently to start my own business. By this year's end I
> will be making $5,500.00 per month and not working a job. I shall then
> build a lab 2500sq ft on 5 acres using premade buildings and next year
> add another 2500sq ft.
> So for everyone out there complaining about money...if someone wants to
> sell their info..let them nothing for free is worth much...whether it
> takes money or time. And to EVERYONE: GO INTO BUSINESS FOR YOURSELF!

No - it wasn't rude, but far more blunt than I was. That's what I'm
getting at -- I make enough money on my own to survive at the moment.
I plan on going into business myself - programming - selling off my works
and making scads of money. :) This money can thus be reinvested into the
company, and portions devoted to R&D to support my physics hobbies (namely
because I don't plan on doing *JUST* software -- every engineer has his
vision of "the perfect machine" - I'd like to see my vision realized --
which means branching out into manufacturing - and thus, a little R&D
seems appropriate).

Finding funding from private investors is a rare oppurtunity, though.
Don't ever go to a bank. EVER. Private investment is the only way to go.
If you can't get privately funded, then look elsewhere -- write a book or
program or WHATEVER -- then use the profits to fund said company (that's
the route I'm taking).

In the end, pragmatism puts it best: "Whatever works."