Re: Gravity does NOT suck

Marcelo Puhl ( )
Fri, 23 Jan 1998 18:54:49 -0800 (PST)

Oy, Jerry -- you had me right until you threw in the newage alien stuff.
:) Seriously, though -- I'm not suggesting that when an atom is resonated
it becomes radiative (in the manner in which you spoke of) -- and I don't
know about all the time-related effects (it's surely something to look
into, though). All of these ideas are spinning around my head - it's hard
to get a firm grip on anything. That pisses me off. Oh well. All things in
good time, I suppose.

Oh - incidentally, something I've always wanted to try (but don't know if
anyone else has done it): has anyone ever built a device to convert
heat into electricity, sample that (through a conventional
Digital-to-Analog convertor), and then used fourier analysis to determine
the component frequencies of the heat itself? (What better way to derive
the resonant frequency of a mass than to examine it's heat signature!)