Schuman Resonance

Edward Courtney ( )
Fri, 23 Jan 1998 12:51:04 -0500

Hi all,

Was wondering if anyone had any info on the Schuman Resonance.
This is supposed to be the frequency that the Earth as a whole vibrates
Traditionally the frequency has been set at 7.83 Hz.
Recently there has been talk that it is rising. This in conjunction with
a drastic decrease in the Earth's magnetic field is supposed to prompt ,
what has come to be known as, the "Zero Point".
All this has to do with various Earth Change phenomena.
Sorry if this sounds a little new ageish but I'm trying to track down
any serious statistics that would validate the Schuman frequency
Having talked to a few mainstream scientists about this , it is their
considered opinion that nothing is happening with the Schuman Resonance.
Still I have my doubts.
Any comments would be greatly appreciated.


...E * C...