Re: Gravity does NOT suck

Bruce A. Perreault ( )
Fri, 23 Jan 1998 08:51:04 -0800 (PST)

On Thu, 22 Jan 1998, Jerry W. Decker wrote:

> You gotta be trolling me?? Right? <g>..

No, of course not - I'd *NEVER* do something like *THAT*... 8)

> Hexslinger (helluva name, my family is Pennsylvania Dutch too!) wrote;

Sorry, Jerry - it's a handle, not a name. No comedy involved. :)

> My thinking for the past 40 years has been that gravity is indeed a
> pushing favorite theoretician on this subject is Ross
> Tessien.....the universe is pressurized...Keely's Neutral center is the
> energetic hyperspatial link that absorbs this pressure, possibly passing
> it through to a negative, vacuum universe.

A Pressurized Universe sounds about what I was thinking... ok, so energy
is absorbed by mass into it's neutral center. The question then becomes --
once it's there, what the hell does it do. It's too bad I'm not too up on
the mathematics behind holography. This would be an excellent time to
point out that if our universe is the sum result of interacting energies
of various frequencies, I'd bet dimes to dollars it's holographic (and
thus, the Neutral Center could possibly act as some kind of gateway to
higher dimensions -- nobody said that a universe had to be a perfect three
dimensional object, hehehe) -- but it's all pure speculation, unless
someone else can contribute to that line of thinking. Anyone?

> If that is the case, then you simply deflect the inflow to the earth from
> around the object that is being held an umbrella above your
> head to deflect rain....

(snip) (don't blink! there's more!)

> through standing waves to disintegrate garbage....I think you can
> gradually expand the energy structure of a mass, making it now RADIATE to
> overcome the inflowing forces that are suppressing and necessaritly
> distorting it...I've been working on translating and building a file that
> I think is quite fascinating on this subject...though its high time for a
> working device!

Whew. Now, that does raise an interesting point. I like the idea that
resonating a mass causes expansion (and thus radiation). This leads to yet
another interesting thought -- as the mass radiates more and more energy,
this will offset the radiation it is taking in - thus effectively
nullifying (or lessening, depending on HOW much is radiated) gravitational
forces. bOING! Yeah, I'd love to build a working device too -- but since
my budget consists of pocket-lint at this point, speculation is all I have
left. >:(