Re: Spinning B-Fields

Kenneth Carrigan ( (no email) )
Fri, 23 Jan 1998 08:14:26 -0500

This spinning of a magnetic field plays an important part of overunity
machines, also antigravity machines. This writeup below also reminds
me of how the Levitron? that Bill Batey (?) has on his web site. The
magnet has to spin at a certain rate in order to stay afloat. Most all
'Free' energy devices use spinning magnets which make PERFECT
sense. Magnets contain a Free and ever flowing B-Field; a field that
is always nenewable (That in itself is phenomenal). To extract energy
out of a static B-Field, we first need to make it dynamic (spinning the
magnetic or turning the field on/off). We then can integrate the field
over an area and .... we have useful energy. It is that simple!! - In
mathematical form.
v/r Ken Carrigan

>* I have studied the Searl's magnet formula. It appears that this
>formula will produce a piezo-electric type magnet. By inducing a
>magnetic field into them via the rotating disc extreme voltage
>(ionization) could result. The centrifugal force would also cause
>the ions to concentrate around the ridge of the disc, thus, propulsion!
>I have tried an experiment with a rotating magnet with iron filings
>scattered about it. I used a ring magnet from a burned out
>magnetron-tube from a microwave oven. I then secured this magnet
>onto the base of an electric blender. The first time I did this the magnet
>went flying through the wall! I tried many type glues, non with much
>success. I recall only one would hold the magnet in place. I believe
>it is called formula PC-7. It is an expoxy type resin that hardware
>stores sell. Anyway, once you get the magnet to spin like holy hell,
>place a sheet of paper above it, watch out!, do not touch the paper
>to the spinning magnet! Now scatter some iron filings onto the paper.
>You will notice that the filings obit around the spinning magnet. From this
>experiment I can see how the Searls Levity may actual work...