Re: Looking to set up a local discussion group.

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Fri, 23 Jan 1998 01:46:06 -0800

Hi Garrett!

The Researcher network list is posted at;

You can add your name if you wish, so that others in your local area
might contact you....go to;

Good luck! You should have lots of 'fresh meat' in your area, perhaps at
the college?? Our monthly Roundtables have been going on now for over 5
years and we host from 60 to 100 people each's a lot of fun
and very, very interesting as you can see from the notes....

I keep hoping someone in each part of the US and the world will 'ramrod'
their own groups and we can all communicate with each other via KeelyNet,
emails or something as global as possible. I detest useless arguments or
senseless post that I've seen in other discussion lists, that's part of
the reason to have a focused list....some moderation, but everyone agreed
to follow the far, only one 'private' chastizing...

All the papers that are submitted for copying each month in our group
could be exchanged (that is whatever is not already online) with each
other group....though I prefer files wherever much
cleaner, don't you think?

If we get on with expanding this mass communication effort, and try to
stay focused, with an ideal of experimenting and sharing our findings, I
think one of our groups will produce THE BREAKTHROUGH...a working device
that anyone can build or buy as a kit, completed unit or plans that by
god work!!

That is why the shareware proposal was
generated...lock in the credit for the inventor via copyright, so that
anywhere it is freely reprinted, the inventor receives credit and
hopefully, thankful people will send some bucks...I'll send $500 today
for just working plans that I can use for myself....electric car, power
the house, levitate, know the drift...<g>...seeya
Garrett and Good Luck!

--                Jerry W. Decker   /    /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741    /   FAX :  (214) 324-8741   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187