Re: Medical article (multi topic)

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Thu, 22 Jan 1998 22:03:06 -0800

Hi Edward et al!

I was thinking, before I clicked on the site, that the article might have
been written by Becker....on going there, I found it was written by Val
Valerian....I believe he writes material for the Leading Edge
Newsletter?? He has some interesting perspectives...check out there
PROFUSE site at;

In a similar energetic medicine vein, next month, here in Dallas, Dr.
Peter Guy Manners, the Cymatics guy, will be here from England, giving a
lecture and workshop...I plan to post a Cymatics document explaining what
it is, its history and what its supposed to is not electrical but
rather frequency (acoustic and others) related...but intriguing because
the spatial matrix of an organ is claimed to be affected by injecting a
complex frequency pattern, with the proper ratios to redirect
dysfunctional tissue back to a healthy state....quite interesting and I
know of one person who had definite results after a treatment session.

As to Becker, that experiment he did with removing the muscle in a rat
leg, grinding it up, then reinserting it into the leg was so
fascinating....the ground up muscle regrew and reoriented itself into
normal muscle tissue as if nothing had ever happened...interesting recent
adjunct to this per robotics is the new 'air muscles' a muscle shaped
bladder that works like a normal muscle....if you are interesting in
robotics, check out;

However, I think the Becker research could lead to a better understanding
of regeneration and what causes differentiation to a specific organ
that is located in a specific spatial matrix of the my way of
thinking, it is the aura, which can be influenced to some degree by
sustained will. It ties in with Dr. Burrs Electrodynamic fields,
Rupert Sheldrakes Morphogenetic fields, acupuncture meridians and the
Danish(?) researcher who was using platinum electrodes to map the DC
currents in the body.

--                Jerry W. Decker   /    /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741    /   FAX :  (214) 324-8741   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187