Re: Medical article (multi topic)

Bradley W. Scott ( (no email) )
Fri, 23 Jan 1998 15:15:16 +1100

At 22:50 22/01/98 -0500, you wrote:
>* This is the same Dr. Becker that did a study on T. H. Moray's
>device at a Veterans Hospitol in Upstate New York.. I did some checking
>at the University here. Dr. Becker discovered that the bones in the
>human body are piezoelectric! I have three of his medical articles that
>also prove that bone
>material is made up of -p- and -n- semiconductor materials. By inducing
>certain electrical fields into the body it is possible to heal broken
>bones. So it turns
>out that T. H. Moray Electric Therapy was not so crazy after all...

Hi All,

Tom Bearden has an interesting discussion on Becker's work. This can be
found at: in Tom's Energetics book. The whole
book is worth a read, easy to follow and well illustrated.



Bradley W. Scott
Centre for Water Policy Research
University of New England, Armidale, NSW Ph : +61 (02)67 73 2420
Australia, 2351 Fax: +61 (02)67 73 3237