January 98 Roundtable Notes (Part 5)

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Thu, 22 Jan 1998 04:30:49 -0800

More on the January 1998 VSRT meeting in Dallas

We also discussed a recent email from a friend in England talking about a
fellow named Todd Troutman who was supposed to have used a magnet and a
Tesla coil(s) to produce antigravity....I haven't posted this as a file
yet...but it claims the guys' dog levitated to the ceiling when the
machine was on...the quote of most interest;
> ....by inverting the power of a magnet powered by Tesla coils. The
> first documented, or semi-documented instance of true antigravity
> took place in his trailer. It lasted for about all of twelve seconds
> but he had changed the course of scientific history. When Todd's dog
> Arden floated to the roof of that trailer it was the biggest event
> since Newton was hit on the head with an apple.Now this sounds very strange, and could well be a hoax, so we'll post and
ask for additional details...of course, the inventor shows it to NASA and
dies mysteriously 3 weeks later....we will see...

We discussed Peter Kelly's BETAR unit and how full relaxation of the body
would lower the electrical tone to assist in healing and rejuvenating the
body. http://keelynet.com/biology/betar.htm Someone brought up the book
'Lost Dimension' which claims many interesting things, but of interest
here that Jehovah was a biologist who discovered that life could be
prolonged indefinitely and in perfect health by using a meditation type
regimen for 30 minutes before dropping off to sleep....you simply
visualize any dark spots in your 'aura' as being bright, this focuses
energy to homogenize the body energies....most healing is done while your
body sleeps, so it would heal from an optimized aura pattern.

We discussed the removal of the time travel files (TVC) and issuance of
the time travel challenge asking for tangible proof (with no responses),
see; http://keelynet.com/time/proof.htm

We also talked briefly about Richard Hulls new video showing his FUSOR
(fusion) experiments and provided ordering information.

We discussed the new Hawaiian diet described on 20/20 (I think it was
20/20) and listed on the msnbc website....what made this so interesting,
you lose weight, blood pressure goes down, all kinds of good
effects...but best of all, one woman had been taking two insulin shots
daily for her diabetes, within two weeks, she was down to taking
pills....another friend at the meeting said a product called EZZIAC
(basically a double strength ESSIAC) had reduced his blood sugar down to
.15 (I don't recall, but it was high enough to required insulin
shots)...no more...

--                Jerry W. Decker   /   jdecker@keelynet.com          http://keelynet.com    /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741    /   FAX :  (214) 324-8741   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187