Re: How about some discussions?

Bruce A. Perreault ( (no email) )
Wed, 21 Jan 1998 12:45:03 -0500

Breining, Jim C wrote:
> Tesla's free energy receiver is interesting. Has anyone experimented with
> this type of device? Eagle Research shows plans for a device that looks to be
> similar. (just guessing by the picture). I'm going to order the plans and see.
> Also, any thoughts about using water as a ground instead of an earth ground for
> marine use?

* If you want to get into some serious research along these lines then
visit my
site at,

* It is obvious that I am trying to attract researchers to my
two month Validation Program. It's just that I have a passion
for my research. I will be openly offering valued information
in future posts. If I ever seem too pushy then say so, I will
correct myself if the need arises...

* Once this validation period is over then I have a wealth of
information to offer. Firstly, I have to stand on firm ground
in 1998.

Bruce A. Perreault