You are visitor # since January 1, 2003.

Each year, we create an oft appended list of URLs and other useful information. This one is for 2005. You might like to check out our other indexes from 1996 to the present. Please be aware, many sites are to say the least, evanescent, meaning they don't have a very long life. If you find something of great interest or use, we would advise you to COPY the files of interest on that site in the event the site disappears. Because of this instability in so many websites, we cannot guarantee that all the links in these older index files are still functional. Sorry.

1996 Index - 1997 Index - 1998 Index - 1999 Index
2000 Index - 2001 Index - 2002 Index - 2003 Index - 2004 Index

What follows is a list of interesting URLs or information from January 2005 to the most recent as listed from the top down. Most were removed from emails and the KeelyNet discussion list. Feel free to subscribe.

Last Updated - 02/10/05

02/10/05 - Color photo Richard Clem
showing filling of his heat pump engine car with Crisco cooking courtesy of Richard Clems' daughter.

01/27/05 - Clark on Protonics
Article by Richard LeFors Clark on Schauberger and protons as a key to energy production.

11/28/04 - Butler claim of OU with details
using Bedini principles, Emmett Butler believes he has achieved overunity

10/08/04 - Tapping Energy from the Air
This 'Radiant Energy Aerial Capture' file courtesy of Emmett Butler describes his experiments with pulling arcs from an aerial tap (antenna) sufficient to charge a battery and offering potential that can be used for practical purposes if scaled up. As of 10/11/04, added a corrected circuit and an airpower circuit courtesy of John Bedini, thanks John!