David Hamel Index Page - 02/25/97

David Hamel's Flying Disc - 07/06/96
David Hamel's Story - 02/08/97
John Bedini's Magnetic Spinner - 02/23/97
John Bedini's Magnetic Gate - 02/25/97
Dan Davidsons FluxGate Motor design - 03/01/97
Greg Watson's Flux Image of the Spinner - 03/01/97
Bedini's Hi-Speed Stable Spinner - 03/01/97
John Roland's Successful Result - 03/01/97

Emails as of 03/09/97

Ohsako Magnetic Propulsion Principle - 08/22/99

3 pages of John Bedini's Fluxgate Notes - 08/25/99
these documents were kindly provided by John showing his original 1991 thoughts about the magnetic vortex that led to the experiments yielding the magnetic fluxgate.

Posted September 1st, 1996

The Hamel Flying Disc

this is a whole 'nother approach to energy and flight,
and help Pierre to finance and complete the Project Magnet!
(by the way, the picture to the left is NOT Hamels' machine!)
Click HERE to read about David Hamel's experiences as excerpted from the book 'The Granite Man and the Butterfly', courtesy of Pierre Sinclair (click to email him)!

Pierre's Home Page

John Bedini's Website.

New PageCounter - as of March 9th, 1997