August 25, 1991 LAITH1.ASC -------------------------------------------------------------------- This file is from the Sunday, November 10, 1974, Indianopolis Star. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Scientist says Invention can Defy Gravity London (AP) A British scientist said yesterday he is on the threshold of inventing an antigravity motor that could fly a manned spaceship to the stars using nuclear fuel the size of a pea. Eric Laithwaite, professor of heavy electrical engineering at London's Imperial College of Science and Technology, said the motor is based on the gyroscope, a rapidly spinning top that defies gravity. Gyroscopes already are used to guide spaceships. "The motor is not easy to explain. If it was, others would have tried to produce one by now," said Laithwaite, who described himself as an astro engineer. Laithwaite began working on the motor about six months ago after Edwin Rickman, who works with an electrical engineering firm, came to him with the idea. Rickman had patented it after he said it came to him in recurring dreams. Laithwaite incorporated in the device ideas of another amateur inventor, Alex Jones. Although Laithwaite is far from the production stage with his motor to defy gravity, the 53-year old professor demonstrated his principle Friday at the Royal Institution at London. Inside a box he brought before his distinguished audience were two electrically driven gyroscopes, each placed on a central pivot. Laithwaite made the gyroscopes rotate at high speed, and they rose into the air on the arms until they reached a curved rail that pushed them down again. The process then repeated itself. With the two gyroscopes motionless, the box weighed 20 pounds on an ordinary kitchen scale. With the gyroscopes spinning, the contraption weighed 15 pounds. Laithwaite said the loss of weight corresponded to the gravity loss produced by the spinning gyroscopes. Theoretically, the machine could produce weightlessness, Laithwaite said. A spaceship with his device could be blasted from the earth's gravitational field with conventional rocket fuel, Laithewaite said. Then, without friction to hamper the anti-gravity engine, nuclear power or solar energy could begin operating the gyroscopes and to drive the vehicle to other solar systems, he said. Laithwaite is the inventor of the electrical linear motor capable of propelling a device through strong magnetic currents. He said the antigravity motor also could be adapted to drive ships and land vehicles silently but added: "Man is not interested in traveling horizontally. He always wants to go up." Laithwaite said the antigravity motor is based on electromagnetism and vector multiplication "too complicated to explain." Then he tried: "Let me put it this way: You take a go-kart with no engine and sit in it. It is loaded with a box of lead balls. If you throw one ball out behind you, you move forward a little. Throw another and you move farther still and so on. But if these lead balls were attached to a strong elastic band and could be sprung back into the go-kart, you would have continuous propulsion. That is what a gyroscope does when it moves from one plane to another." --------------------------------------------------------------------