Wingate A. Lambertson & his WIN Cells
KeelyNet 12/17/01

From the October 1996 Academy for New Energy newsletter

Win Lambertson, who has a PhD in ceramic engineering, indicates that he and his E-dam (energy-dam) technology, which he has cultivated and developed over the years, are alive and well. Win states that he has been very focused on E-dam circuits over the last 2 years, and has learned a great deal about semi-conductor switching circuits in this time frame.

The development and goal of this invention was to extract energy from the vacuum continuum and began in December, 1972. At that time, Win placed a conical shaped crystal in a DC magnetic field from which energy was extracted via a coil of wire.

He borrowed a precision multimeter for his measurements and promptly fried this multimeter. (Win recalls that he has blown many multimeters over the years.) Work to improve the efficiency of this crystal circuit did not begin until 1976, when it was discovered that removal of the crystal resulted in only a 20 percent reduction of the total energy output. (Win states that the energy could actually be felt physically.)

Win saw no point in continuing crystal studies if it only added 20 percent to the total energy measured. Win then developed a ceramic material to convert the ultra-high frequency energy of the vacuum to a lower frequency energy easily handled by conventional electronic circuits.

Since that time, a metal has been added to the ceramic making it a 'cermet', but the original concept of this material has remained the same, which concept is to collect energy from the vacuum, store it in the cermet, and then release it to a load for utlization. The term E-dam was coined to reflect this concept.

It was originally surmised that the energy for the E-dams was coming from the aether. Later, it was assumed to be coming from neutrinos. This hypothesis was then changed to one in which the 3 degree Kelvin background radiation of the universe was the source.

His current theory is that the energy photons emerging from the vacuum continuum. In other words, Win has come full circle back to his original aether theory as the source for the energy of the E-dams.

The original crystal circuit slowly began to evolve. Initially, the two electromagnets in the original circuit were replaced with two bar magnets and then these bar magnets were eventually eliminated.

The voltages evolved from initially 15 volts DC up to a maximum of 15,000 volts DC. A spark gap was added to develop high current, high voltage spikes. At 15,000 volts, Win began to observe in his garage one summer small, blue electric arcs moving across his work bench surface. These were as much as three feet long.

After that observation, the voltage was reduced because of the danger of sharing his working surface with the high voltage arcs. A resistance was also added to the circuit to slow down the electric charge across the arc. Neighbors from a block away were making snide comments about the noise.

After reviewers charged that the resistor measurements were in error because of phase angle changes, the load was changed to many 100 watt incandescent lamps in parallel, following the example of Dr. T.H. Moray.

Even with 100 lamps in parallel, the lamps would burn out. (100 lamps X 100 Watts each = 10,000 Watts) These lamps were then replaced with 100 ohm wire wound resistors. These resistors too would burn out, but it was difficult to know when they had failed. The next change was to go to industrial eight foot fluorescent lamps which lasted less than a week. His present load is a bank of 400 watt H.I.D. mercury lamps, and these have held up well.

The spark gap switching was abandoned and the change was made to a MOSFET switching system. This has since been upgraded to the use of high current IGBT's. In May of 1994, Win Lambertson presented his results to date on his E-dam circuits at the 2nd ISNE (International Symposium on New Energy) conference. For this symposium, Win had calculated a 965 percent over-unity efficiency.

Later in the summer of 1994, independent testing was conducted by two electrical engineers, Toby Grotz and Robert Emmerich, on a similar circuit utilizing solid state switching and E-dams, which were made to Win Lambertson's specifications.

This testing resulted in the identification of an anomaly in the test setup, which anomaly was unassociated with the E-dams.

Subsequent studies by Toby Grotz into 1995 of other circuit variables yielded a better understanding of the anomaly. Later, in 1996, Toby Grotz applied for an SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research) grant from the DOE (Department of Energy) to further research and develop a product based on this anomalous phenomena.

At the start of 1994 and before the 2nd ISNE conference, Win was using MOSFETs to switch voltages less than 500 volts in his E-dam circuits. Today, with the assistance of Walter Rosenthal, Win has changed over to IGBTs which can switch at voltages up to 1700 volts DC and with currents above 30 amperes.

Win states that he expects to sell his invention later this year and begin working on the history of the WIN (World into Neutrinos) process around which this invention is based.

Notes from Jerry Decker

I had the good fortune to attend the 2nd ISNE conference and meet Dr. Lambertson. He hosted a workshop where he passed around a sample of the cells. I examined it closely, it looked like a thin Oreo cookie with one wire attached to each outside cermet and a very thin rubbery material between the two cermets that looked like RTV silicone.

I speculated to Dr. Lambertson that it could be that he used ground up quartz or other crystals mixed with the RTV and secreted between the two cermet discs. Thus by shock exciting the cermets, a combined piezoelectric discharge might yield more energy than it took to produce the shock. Dr. Lamberson said he'd rather not discuss this as he was in process of filing a patent.

Also at the conference it was discussed how the 100 watt tungsten filament light bulbs he'd been using kept blowing out and his wife was upset because he kept using them up. The cause was believed to be the crystal nature of the tungsten metal which would fracture and break the filament under the impress of the high energy discharges being extracted from the aether.

Many of these cells were stacked into columns to increase the overall power output. The excess energy would come from the coupling of high intensity, short duration electrical discharges with the ambient aether/zpe field.

He was a very nice fellow and shared more information about his discovery than most inventors do, however it is now 2001 and below is an article from the Space Energy Association newsletter on September 2000 that you might find of additional interest.

Letter from Dr. Wingate Lamberson

August 9th, 2000
To: Friends of WIN energy
From: Win Lambertson
Subject: Load Study


In my May, 2000 Progress Report I told how I came to understand the lack of certification of my method. The problem lay in the electrical measurements that were unable to measure radiant energy output when no current was moving through the tank circuit. The solution seemed simple enough. I would substitute a non-inductive resistance for the lamp load.

Load Description

For the past eight years my load has consisted of 400-watt H.I.D. mercury lamps. I started with four in series and gradually dropped down to one. The major problem that this load has given me has been its change in resistance with power input. Figure 1 shows a plot of ohms resistance versus watts.

The hypothesis of my method is that zero-point energy, ZPE, is collected through the acceleration of an electron charge. The highest rate of acceleration is achieved with the lowest resistance.

In a normal series of experiments I would collect data at 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 DC amperes input. My highest yields were always found using the lowest current. If the current were much lower than 0.5 amperes the arc would quench and terminate the experiment.

The method utilizes a pulsating DC current that shows up as an alternating current on a digital multimeter. It shows up on the oscilloscope as a series of square waves. This results from the IGBT switching system that operates in either the fully closed or fully open position.

Electrons are knocked out of the mercury vapor atoms to form ions and the electrons fall back into the ions to form atoms when the switch opens. Falling back into their orbital results in the emission of light photons that are measured using 12 photocells mounted around the outside of the lamp in a light box.

Energy is collected from the vacuum on the electrical charge as it moves through a collector called an 'E-dam' after the hydro-electric dam analogy. It was evident that more light came from the lamp in an alternating current than in a direct current.

Therefore, it was possible to calibrate the photocells using a direct current. In the most recent certification attempt, a low resistance E-dam was used and it was found that the lamp was collecting ZPE without any contribution from the E-dam. This action was confirmed in an independent study by Toby Grotz. He estimated that the total gas discharge ballast market of 275 million units per year could be replaced and cut the power consumption in half.

My goal is to utilize vacuum energy in all energy applications, not just in lighting, so I had to study energy collection in a different type load. A non-inductive resistance load seemed to be a simple substitute. Energy is lost as heat and heat is generated only when the charge is moving through the load.

Radio Shack 8 ohm, 20-watt non-inductive resistors were used to make up the load. These were mounted in eight sets of three in parallel. The total array had a resistance of 24 ohms with a 480 watt capability. The resistance versus power input curve is shown in Figure 2 (not shown on my source material).

A total of eight thermistors were mounted in series on the resistor surfaces with one on each cell. These are calibrated using a DC current, allowing enough time for the surface temperature to stabilize. Instead of photocells measuring light photons, varistor temperature is utilized and measured as resistance to indicate energy being lost to the garage air.

E-dam design

It was clear from my lamp studies that I had to go up in E-dam resistance in order to collect energy from the vacuum. A new design was developed based on a pyramid shaped crystal as shown in Figure 3. This goes back to some early information collected in 1973. The crystal shown was an attempt to start with a 1/4" base, optimize it and then go up in size and number of crystals to increase the power collected.

Details of the overall E-dam must be withheld in this paper in order to maximize the number of possible claims in the patent application. It is important for the reader to realize that even though the basic concept may remain the same; each final design will be different and will probably change over the years as our knowledge of materials is enhanced.

To my surprise, the change in loads did not work out as expected. The first yield was 85 percent, which of course, is impossible. This meant that some of the energy input was going through the load without doing any work. Adjusting the circuit brought it up to 116 percent before I stopped my bench work to write this paper. The next few days are needed to prepare for making a videotape of the method.

Marketing Plan

Individuals interested in marketing my method have requested a videotape and certification of my method before getting into a sales negotiation. My time availability has made it necessary to do the videotape as the next step. Our son, Larry, will be here over August 14th to 19th and do the videotaping for us. All funding finders should request a copy of the videotape as soon as they need it.

Anyone who needs a certification immediately should feel free to send in his own certifier at his expense with one-week notice for scheduling. Otherwise, I will schedule my own certifier as soon as I feel that I have had enough time to optimize my circuit.

Recent Literature

Enclosure 1 from 'The Economist', estimates that $800 million in venture capital will be committed to what it calls 'micropower technology' in the year 2000. They did not consider ZPE but did list photovoltaics, PEM fuel cells, microturbines and solid-oxide fuel cells. Clearly, ZPE is capable of beating those on a cost basis.

Enclosure 2 from 'The Bradenton Herald' states that natural gas is now selling for above $4 per million BTU's and estimates that companies must invest $1.5 trillion to mee the demand in 2015. We can meet that energy demand in 15 years at a much lower cost. In fact, I cannot even envision an expenditure of that magnitude.

Wingate A. Lambertson, Ph.D.
August 9, 2000

As of 04/06/02, I found an additional file from the excellent PACE Newsletter - (Planetary Association for Clean Energy) at 100 Bronson Avenue, Suite 1001, Ottawa, Ontario K1R 6G8, (613)236-6265 FAX (613)235-5876, $45.00/yr subscription)...Volume 7, Number 2&3, APRIL 1994 - page 6;

A successful solid state free energy system based on the Casimir Effect has been developed by Dr. Wingate Lambertsen after 18 years of research and is in the patent application process.

In 1948 Hendrik B. G. Casimir of the Netherlands proposed that two conducting metal plates brought close together would act to shield each other, allowing for measurement of zeropoint force. M.J. Sparnaay found that the zeropoint force was directly proportional to the area of the metal plates and inversely proportional to the fourth power of their separation.

(see Tapping Chaos for more details about Casimir, etc..)

In 1984 Robert L. Forward indicated that 'very strong forces' would be found at separation distances of 20 nanometers and less and that these 'may be a new source of energy'.

20nm is equivalent to 71 oxide ion layers. Dr. Lambertson conceived the idea of using fine metal powder and immerse it in a Cermet material thus permitting a main site for electron charges to acquire additional energy.

Electron holes are introduced into the Cermet with a DC electric field. Electron charges move into those holes to gain energy and then are moved elsewhere to release such energy through the application of a super-imposed AC field.

The electron has a rest mass of 0.51 MeV. When the electron is placed in a voltage differential, its mass increases to 66 MeV at 120 volts and to 770 MeV at 1500 volts.

In order to obtain more energy/second from an existing Cermet system termed by Dr. Lambertson as a 'Dam System', it is necessary to move the electron charge in and out of it more times per second, a process controlled by a solid state switching system of MOSFETs, (metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistors).

To date energy gains have been measured which are beyond experimental error and further gains are anticipated. Control of the system is achieved with a variable power input and once the system is operating, it performs steadily at that input power.

Details: the inventor at: 216 83rd Street, Holmes Beach, Florida 34217, USA (813) 778-1214

or Donald A. Kelly, Space Energy Association, PO Box 11422, Clearwater, Florida 34616 (813) 442-3923.

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