Specific Speed & Transmutation
KeelyNet - 12/28/03

The following is from 'Dweller on Two Planets - An Earth Dwellers Return' which was copyrighted in 1940 and reprinted by Borden Publishing in 1969. This information was graciously sent by an anonymous friend in .pdf format following a request on the Interact discussion list.

There are clearly two versions of the book, with the original having the Specific Speed chapter and most later copies having it removed from the book by person or groups unknown and for reasons unknown.

Part Two - Treatise on Chemistry

Sec. 136. "I will tell thee at once that in thy essay thou speakest of sixty-three elements. A few years later, early in the next century, there were discovered more and yet science will not know at that time what some of our intellectuals now know, but I digress, and I know that thou art impatient. Here is thy essay:

Sec. 137. "Modern chemistry recognizes only sixty-three elements, such as gold, lead, silver and so forth, which it names 'simples.' These simples are thought to be incapable of change except in so far as they combine with some other primary or secondary element.

Sec. 138. "In other words, we can make gold of nothing but gold, or some salt of gold. We can divide a combination of elements into their constituents. Thus we can reduce sugar to carbon and water. We can also reduce the water of the sugar to oxygen and hydrogen. But we cannot obtain anything from carbon but carbon, nor can we reduce oxygen or hydrogen any further.

Sec. 139. "Although the above view seems to be unassailable, yet it may not be so, and to prove that it is not so, is the aim of this article. It may be impossible to reduce the simples any farther with the means which our modern chemists have at their disposal, and yet this does not prove that other means, not yet discovered, may not be able to accomplish this task.

Elements Capable of Change

Sec. 140. "I shall endeavor, first, to prove that all elements, simple or complex, ponderable or imponderable, are so created as to be capable of change when the right method is employed to effect the change or transformation; and, secondly, to indicate what agent is possessed of such regal power. I frankly confess, however, that I am ignorant of just how to use the force which I shall indicate. (A boy of fifteen years would not be expected to know how to use the force indicate.)

Sec. 141. "I am aware that such a confession as this from the sole exponent of a new hypothesis will greatly tend to weaken the force of the arguments in its favor. Nevertheless, with the request that the reader study this entire article before judging its merit or demerit, I shall pass to a consideration of the subject in question.

Sec. 142. "An eminent chemist touches the question which I hope to present in a clear and possibly more convincing light. In order to do this, I shall draw my illustrations and arguments from a few of the main examples presented by modern chemistry. In making my deductions from these examples, I may in some instances clash with the conclusions reached by other investigators.

Sec. 143. "My conclusions and the demands of my hypothesis warrant me in making the following assertion: The difference between simple elements, or others, lies in the different speeds assumed by their molecules. Their diversity lies not in the material substance, but only in the specific speed of the molecule. The cause of the changed conditions lies in the varying degree to which the substance is affected by, dynamic force.

Specific Speed

Sec. 144. "The molecular theory is the basic theory of modern chemistry. It is also one of my main reliances. Specific Speed does not take issue on the point of atomic weight, neither with atomic revolution, nor multiple proportions. But it does disagree with the sixty-three simple elements, and with the explanation usually made that gaseous pressure is due to the bombardment of the inside of the containing vessel. My term 'Specific Speed,' I derive from a consideration of certain definite effects of dynamic force as exemplified in Nature.

Sec. 145. "Bear in mind throughout this article that matter is inert until acted upon by dynamic force. Some of these Specific Speeds we have reason to believe were ordained to be more fixed than others, though I think that none are incapable of changing into a different speed. That is to say, the extent of the affection is more fixed and less likely to vary in some instances than in others.

Sec. 146. "I imagine that Specific Speed applies to all forms of matter. It consequently applies to light, to sound and vapor, quite as much as to lead, iron , or other ponderables, if it be true that everything which we can perceive is matter or partakes of the nature of matter. But if the assumption that light is material is a sound one, then the Specific Speed of which it is possessed must be the result of a very great affect upon its matter by dynamic force. There is nothing against such a postulate as this.

Gaseous Pressure

Sec. 147. "What is Specific Speed? It is a definite rate of motion of an atom about its own axis in a given direction. In other words, the atom is as much governed by order as is a star or planet. If it should be objected that we have no evidence of any such atomic order, I would meet the objection by citing the facts, often asserted before, that a group of atoms is an imitation on a small scale of a planetary system. To admit disorder among the atoms is to do the same thing among the great systems of stars. The argument that disorder cannot be admitted either among the atoms or elsewhere in Nature is a very potent weapon when used against the theory of gaseous pressure, before alluded to in this article.

Sec. 148. "It seems to the writer that a much more reasonable way to account for gaseous pressure is to assign, as its cause, a like magnetic polarity of the atoms composing the gas, such atoms repelling each other, just as an excited stick of sealing wax will repel pith balls.

Sec. 149. "But I have partially digressed from the main question, namely, the answer to the question, 'What is Specific Speed?' To resume then: If molecules revolve, as science declares that they do, then it is not unreasonable to assume that some kinds of atoms revolve more or less swiftly than other kinds.

Sec. 150. "Physics teaches us that a swift motion tends toward a neutralization of gravitational attraction. Coupling my last assumption with this citing of physics, we can readily see that an atom which should revole sixteen times more rapidly than another atom, would constantly have less tendency by sixteen times to yield to gravitational attraction.

Hemisphere Drive

Substances Affected by Molecular Speeds

Sec. 151. "Looking at the case from this standpoint, let me illustrate with the example of oxygen and hydrogen. The former gas exceeds the latter in weight, sixteen times. A natural inference is that the hydrogen atom exceeds the oxygen atom in swiftness, sixteen times. This view of the matter would also dispense with the necessity of assuming that the oxygen atom is sixteen times the larger of the two. It would also dispense with another theory that I find an eminent chemist supporting, namely, that while one atom of hydrogen suffices to make a molecule, it requires sixteen oxygen atoms to form one molecule of that gas.

Sec. 152. "My inference would be quite as easy of verification as either of the other two, since we cannot see these atoms and thus determine whether one is larger than the other or possessed of a greater Specific Speed.

Sec. 153. "Admit, for the sake of argument, that atoms are possessed of different speeds, and that no two possess exactly the same rate of motion, then it will be easily perceptible, both from analogy and in other ways, that the different rates of speed - which may range from one to two trillion degrees - would account for the different natures of the substances affected by the varying speeds.

Sec. 154. "I will prove this vast assertion by analogy. Science asserts that red light is possessed of the least undulatory or vibratory speed at which energy becomes perceptible as light. The number of these vibrations is reckoned at approximately four hundred trillion per second. Violet light is supposed to have a number of vibrations amounting to eight hundred trillion per second. All the other colors of the spectrum have a number of vibrations per second that may be found between these two extremes of red and violet. Furthermore, it is believe that the distinguishing characteristic which makes red light any different from violet, or green from blue, are the differing vibratory speeds of various hues. If, then, difference of vibration makes such a wide difference in the sensation produced on the retine of the eye by light, which, imponderable though it may be, is still matter, then I can safely assume that a varying speed in the motion of atoms would cause us to believe that we had different substances, though we would really have but different speeds.

Axial Revolution

Sec. 155. "I shall now consider what effect difference of speed would have from a chemical point of view. A true chemical combination produces heat as one its effects. Heat is the result of friction. We cannot imagine that any heat would result from the contact of a number of atoms revolving in the same direction, for there would be no friction. Yet, when oxygen combines with any element, or when any acid acts upon a base to form a salt, heat is developed. The inference would seem to be that these atoms - among which order is so beautifully exhibited in other ways - are possessed of differing directions of axial revolution. We have then: First, atoms with a slow speed; second, atoms with a fast specific speed; and third, atoms with varying axial inclinations.

Neutralizaton of Gravity

Sec. 156. "Another point occurs to me here: If those elements that combine to produce a new element - whose properties have no resemblance to the parent substances - are possessors of opposite directions of axial rotation, then when these substances are brought into contact, the friction produces heat, tending like a brake applied to a wheel, to retard each. But as long as each atom moves and remains in contact, they continue to retard each other, each Specific Speed continually losing or gaining some of its momentum.

Sec. 157. "Then the analogy of the solar spectrum previously instanced and the assumptions I made therefrom, would enable us to perceive that the new Specific Speed, produced as a result of retardation, would cause a different sensation, or different degrees of sensation. Thus, two high speeds would probably so retard each other, according to their direction of axial revolution, as to bring them out of the realm of the invisible into the visible. An example of this may be found in water. Here two gases combine, and immediately they come under the domination of gravitation, because the speed is so reduced as to overcome the neutralization of gravitationl attraction which their previous velocity caused.

Sec. 158. "Nitric acid will not attack gold, neither will hydrochloric acid, and yet the two of them mixed together, will. I should attempt to explain this by supposing that neither of the two acids possessed the exact direction of atomic rotation capable of causing sufficient heat to force the gold atoms to separate far enough to be further attacked, but that the hydrochloric acide upon being combined with the nitric so changed the direction as to cause the necessary friction.

Force Augmented by Matter

Sec. 159. "I derive additional support from organic chemistry. Thus certain proportions of certain elements unite to form a new substance. By merely doubling the proportions of each element, we get another and a different substance. The deduction I make is this: In doubling the proportions we augment the force, hence the speed, and thus a new or different sensation is produced on our perceptive faculties.

Sec. 160. "The author of 'New Chemistry' voices the belief that 'chemical combination is only a mixture of a finer degree.' I cannot believe it so. Mere mixtures do not produce heat. The finest possible mechanical mixture of sulphur and iron is not sulphate of iron. Nor will it give the same reactions that the sulphate of iron exhibits with agents that have definite action on the latter chemical.

Sec. 161. "Specific Speed offers the most reasonable explanation, it appears to me, for when two definite speeds, each different, unite to retard each other, and thereby produce a new Specific Speed, of course, the behavior of the new Specific Speed in company with the second Specific Speed would be different from the action of the parent speeds mixed with the same agent.

Sec. 162. "Now, heat is necessary to produce many combinations. Where heat is not involved in the process of a union sufficient in amount to be easily detected and not enough to complete the process unaided by an outside supply of caloric, then heat assumes its true position. That is, if heat, sufficient to be perceptible, is evolved, then it is present in such quantity as to force the atoms aparts, and allow the commingling of the two diverse Specific Speeds which then retard each other so as to produce a third Specific Speed.

Electricity an Effect of Magnetism

Sec. 163. "If, in order to consummate the chemical union, we have need of recourse of an outside source of heat, the action is virtually the same, namely, it repels the atoms which then blend and neutralize each other's motion.

Sec. 164. "Heat, then, is a force by which we effect chemical operations. It has also been defined as force, as motion, and so forth. When we come to the conclusion of science that magnetism is motion, I beg leave to make the observation that while I agree with science so far, I don not believe that electricity is solely motion; but that it is, in common with Faradic and Voltaic electricity, one of the highest and most extreme effects upon the primordial substance by magnetism.

Sec. 165. "Admitting the identity of magnetism with motion and heat, it seems as if magnetism in this 'New Chemistry' of J.P. Cooke's is the author's 'Dynamic Force.'

Sec. 166. "Allow me a few more analogies, and then I shall be ready to draw my conclusions. Manganous fluoride is a combination of manganese and fluorine in the ratio of two parts of the former to nineteen of the latter. If we add another equivalent of manganese, we shall have dimanganic fluoride. Still another part of manganese produces manganic fluoride. Conclusion: Five parts of manganese equal in force nineteen parts of fluorine. But two parts of manganese possess sufficient force to neutralize the nineteen parts of fluorine in such a degree that our senses and chemical experiment tell us that we have a new substance - a new Specific Speed.

Multiple Proportions

Sec. 167. "The action is analogous to the result we obtain by mixing a pure red and a pure blue, namely, a purple. Less red produces a violet, and so we can mix the colors to make different shades. In every case, to a certain extent, we are neutralizing one color with another. So a little manganese acts on the fluoride by altering its rate of speed slightly - a little more manganese makes a greater modification, and so on.

Sec. 168. "The two numbers, or their multiples, which express the proportion in which each of two elements combine with a third, express also the manner in which they unite with each other. This statement is very significant. Allow me to translate it from the viewpoint of Specific Speed.

Sec. 169. "Where one Specific Speed combines with another in a known proportion - as seventy-one parts of chlorine with thirty-two of sulphur, or thirty-two parts of sulphur with fifty-six of iron - then it is a plain inference that seventy-one parts of chlorine, fifty-six parts of iron and thirty-two parts of sulphur are in such proprtion as to equal each other in dynamic force of affection; and the difference of their equivalents may be taken to represent the Specific Speed of each element.

Transmutation of Matter

Sec. 170. "I could go on multiplying experiments which would strengthen my theory, but will not, as the theory is strong enough to stand alone as it is, and besides I lack space. Perhaps you will say, 'But suppose you should establish your theory, what good will it do?' Granting that this hypothesis is true, then it is possible from this new ground to make further advances into Nature's realm. When we regard heat as such a great factor in chemical operations, we but recognize the fact that an agent is necessary, either within the elements themselves, or outside them, to throw their atoms apart by making them positive to each other.

Sec. 171. "When you admit that dynamic force (or magnetism) is the agent of motion - which by more or less affecting inert substance is productive of all the various aspects of matter, whether that matter is ponderable or imponderable, luminouse or non-luminous - you make a very important admission, in that if we can find a means of so controlling this dynamic force that we can of ourselves cause it to affect inert matter to a greater or lesser degree, or can cause it to augment or retard matter already possessed of its motion, we have the power of changing one element into another at our option.

Sec. 172. "This is a startling conclusion indeed and one that will doubtless be considered Utopian at first thought. Give it a second thought. Consider what advances have been made in the investigation of electrical studies conjoined with chemistry. We have trod new ground in the last year. Electro-therapeutists have found it possible to pass such elements clear through a human body by making that body part of the electrical circuit. Electrical action will transform a base into one of its salts, or reverse the motion and transform the salt into its constituent elemtns.

Formation of Vein Material

Sec. 173. "It is humiliating to set a limit to the extent of knowledge man may acquire. A bright prophecy would declare that man can follow Nature's lead. Nature is doing such feats all the time as the making of an aqueous solution of hydragram at the noted Steamboat Springs in Nevada - if we can believe the testimony of intelligent travelers. (See files of Scientific American of 1883 or 1884.)

Sec. 174. "There is suspicion that the old igneous theory does not account for vein formations in all cases. A better method for accounting for such formation would be the sudden shock of magnetic or dynamic energy changing the Specific Speed of the vein material itself.

Sec. 175. "Do you object that different kinds of metal are found in the same vein? Is it not easy to conceive of a mass of vein material formed in that matter, causing the different resistances to the magnetic currents? And would not the various degrees of resistance be apt to transmit different Specific Speeds to the material? Nearly any acid will precipitate silicate from aqueous solution. Sulphurous acid fumes, when passed through the vein while still liquid, will preciptate sulphurets of gold.

Old Theories Insufficient

Sec. 176. "Platinum is a little heavier than gold and is usually found with it in small quantities - when found at all. It gives reactions with various agents similar to those shown by gold with the same agents. And it has very nearly the same medicinal effect, as nearly any homeopathic physician will evidence. It differs in color from gold slightly, but all the points of variance could readily be explained, it seems to me, by giving it a Specific Speed a little less than gold.

Sec. 177. "When we examine our position closely, we are forced to conclude that Nature has formed all the simple elements from something more simple yet. Gold bearing quartz veins cannot be referred to volcanic action for their formation, though this has been done. A later hypothesis of vein formation is that volcanic action throws open crevices, and that alkinated waters, charged with silicious matter, fills them; that these acid fumes rise through the cracks and fluid silica, causing precipitation of the latter; that volcanic heat then hardens it, in some instances fusing it completely, but in all cases rendering it pasty; and that, during its cooling, the metals are deposited by electrical action. Perhaps the metals were brought long distances in a manner similar to that described previously as passing through the human body. Perhaps they were formed right there. But formed they certainly were, and whether Nature may not still be creating these elements is a question. Possibly the Steamboat Springs are being charged with newly formed hydragram. We know how susceptible the nascent condition of any substance is when combined in startling forms with otherwise alien elements.

Electricity is Matter

Sec. 178. "Now, if Nature has, by any means, created the simples, and if the difference between the elements is one of Specific Speed, then, 'Man, proud man,' can do the same if he can find the same force which Nature used. I do not mean that man can create any substance from nothing, by using any force whatever, but that, like Nature, he can operate on existing matter and change that matter into any desired form. If our research into magnetic fields points toward any conclusion, it is that magnetism is the force used by Nature to diversify the one primordial form of inert matter into all the bright and beautiful conditions of earth today.

Sec. 179. "While I write, my eye falls on a newspaper paragraph, which I give for what it is worth! 'Prof. Warren is the inventor of ore reduction by electricity. He let a lump of gold quartz fall into a dynamo, and the next day found the gold all melted out of it and lying there in a button. From his accident his invention came.' Now when we consider the fact that a dynamo-electric generator is not hot, but cold, or comparatively so, we cannot fail to see the significance of this item. If what is described is true, then the gold was extracted from the quartz in the same manner that other metallic elements can be conducted along an electrical circuit.

Sec. 180. "These two instances are direct proof that electricity is matter with an extremely high Specific Speed, because solid matter can be carried by electricity where nothing but this force matter can go. In other words, the iodine in going through the body is temporarily changed to a Specific Speed which is identical to electricity, that is, it is changed into electricity, as it were, for the time being.

The Philosopher's Stone

Sec. 181. "But enough. Magnetism (not electricity) is the long-dreamed of 'Philospher's Stone,' Utopian though the idea seems to be.

Sec. 182. "Objection first: - 'Changing any element into a vapor is changing its Specific Speed, is it not? Yet, as in the case of steam, the nature of the substance is not altered.' It is not changing the Specific Speed of say, water, to convert it into steam. It is simply causing the atoms to repel each other. In order actually to change the Specific Speed, we must have a different Specific Speed present so at to allow the two sets of atoms a chance to neutralize each other's motion.

Sec. 183. "Objection second: - 'Why is an alloy, like a gold coin, for example, not a new substance, but only a mixture which ordinary acids will attack in part, but not wholly?' For answer, let me call attention to the premise elsewhere considered that in order to develop friction the two sets of atoms must revolve in opposing axial directions, and that where this is the case one body attacks the other - like oxygen and the various acids."

*** This is all I have and I think its the end of the chapter ***

In all copies of the book to my knowledge is this same comment about practical transmutation as copied from;


In this year A. D., 1886, chemists count the process costly which produces the metal, aluminum. In that day, forces arising from the Night-Side rendered inexpensive the production of any metal which might be found in nature, either native, or as an ore.

As it might be done to-day didst thou but know how, and that day is not far off when thou wilt again uncover the knowledge, so, in that time, we transmuted clay, first raising its atomic speed so that it became white light of a pale illuminating power and then reducing it to the, so to speak, chemical "mile-post" of aluminum, and this at a cost not nearly so great as in this modern day it takes to get iron from its ores.

The mines of native metals, as gold, silver, copper, and so on, were valuable then, as now, requiring no processing save smelting. But a metal which might be obtained from any ledge of slate rock, or a bed of clay, was so inexpensive as to be the chief base metal in use.

Additional information relating to what I call the 'aether spectrum' is copied from;


After centuries of experimentations, recording of phenomena, deductions, analyzing and synthetizing, these students had arrived at the final proposition that the universe--not here dwelling on their wondrous astronomical knowledge--was, with all its varied phenomena, created and continuously kept in operation by two primal force-principles.

Briefly stated, these basic facts were that matter and dynamic energy (which were Incal made externally manifest) could readily account for all things else. This conception held that only One Substance existed and but One Energy, the one being Incal externalized and the other His Life in action in His Body. 1

This One Substance assumed many forms under the action of variant degrees of dynamic force. Because it was the basic principle of all natural and a psychic, but not of spiritual, phenomena, allow here a postulate with which not a few of my friends will find themselves at least partially familiar, perhaps wholly so.

Commencing with dynamic energy as first sensibly manifest in the example furnished by simple vibration, the Poseid position may be outlined as follows: A very low rate of vibration may be felt; an increase of rate heard.

For example, first we feel the pulsing of a harp-string, and then if the rate of vibration be increased we hear its sound. But substances of other sorts, able to endure greater vibratory impulses, manifest under more intense action, following sound, first heat, then light.

Now again, light varies in color. The first color produced is red, and thence, by a constantly augmenting vibratile energy, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, each spectrum-band being due to an exact and definite increase in the number of the vibrations. Succeeding the violet, further augmentation gives pure white, more gives a gray, then more extinguishes light, replacing it with electricity, and so on through an ever-increasing voltage until the realm of vital or psychic force is attained. This may truly be regarded as going inward from those manifestations of nature, of Incal or God, or the Creator, which are external; as going toward the internal from externality.

A very brief study will show thee that the laws of the physical world continue inward to their spiritual source; that they are, truly, but prolongations the one of the other. But, ere entering into the realm of vibration, whose doorkeeper is sound, we find that the One Substance vibrates in variant, but definite, dynamic degree, and that thence arise each and all of the diverse forms of matter; in short, the difference between any given substances, as gold and silver, iron and lead, sugar and sand, is not one of matter, but of dynamic degree solely. Do I weary thee, my friend? Bear yet a little longer, I pray thee, for it is an important matter.

In this dynamic affection the degree is no loose limitation, for if the vibratile rate be a shade variant, lower or higher than in any special material which may be under notice, the variation will be different in appearance and in its chemical nature; thus to proper substantial entities definite if enormous vibrations per second may be imparted, and the resulting substance (for light is substantial) is, say, red light, 1 but if one-eighth greater it will be orange, and if more or less, then the resultant must inevitably be a reddish orange, or a yellowish, respectively.

It thus appears that certain definite degrees exist as plainly as mileposts, and that these major degrees are absolute. In other words, the One Substance is not as readily kept between these greater definitions as upon them, a fact which explains the tendency of composites, or intermediate affections, to decompose into the definite or simple elements; chemical compounds are not as stable as chemical primaries. The modern "wave theory," that sound, heat, light and correlatives are but forms of force, is only half correct; they are this, but they are more also.

They are, in brief, affections of the One Substance by specific degrees of the One Energy, and except that the rate of this affection is vastly greater in the case of electricity than in that of lead or gold, there is no difference between these widely diverse appearing things. This is the energy by the Rosicrucians named "Fire," that which gives entrance to that. mysterious realm of nature penetrated only by the adept thaumaturgist, magician.

...No better proof is needed that all the variant manifestations are but variants of the odic force, the Rosicrucian "Fire," than this: offer resistance to an electric current, thereby reducing or diverting it against an opposing force, and thou hast light; oppose to this (are) light a combustible obstruction, and flame results.

So mightest thou go on to the discovery soon to be made by the world of science, that light, all light, of the sun, or from any source, can he made to yield sound; upon this discovery hinge some of the most astounding inventions that thine age hath even dreamed of in its visions.

But the primal discovery in this wonderful link, first of the sequence, will be the greatest of all, and so heralded. And this will be warranted, for the fact that it will be but a reincarnate unfoldment will not diminish its importance to mankind, nor the credit of its rediscoverer. In brief, the truths of our Father's Kingdom are eternal; have ever been, will ever be existent, and only the discoverers themselves will be new to the fact. The fact not being a new one in itself, nor new even to the world, but only to this age of it.

Poseid knew that light gives out sound when correctly resisted. It knew that magnetism gives rise to electricity in the same manner and for the same reason. Thus, the loadstone exhibits magnetism; revolve it in the field of a dynamo and so cut the current and pile it upon itself, so to speak, and electricity develops.

So, resist this and light appears; this, and heat comes; again resisted properly, and sound results, then next energy appears as pulsing motion. But these various processes may be "short-circuited" and all of the intermediate phenomena cut out.

Have I been wearisome in this discourse? If so, and I suspect that I have, the reward is at hand.

The Poseidi found that in the realm beyond magnetism were yet other forces, superior and more intense of pulsation, forces operated by the mind. And Mind is of our Father, and is the constantly creating source of all things whatsoever. Were the perpetual vis a tergo of divine creation to cease for one instant, in that instant the Universe would cease to exist. Now wilt thou see the sublime beauty of the Atlan postulate not long since repeated: "Incal malixetho. Axte Incal, axtuce mun."

For down from His heights, marking the descent by "forcefalls" as a river marks declivities fin its bed by cataracts, comes this supreme power; comes far, oh! very far, adown its course to the cascades of magnetism, electricity, light, heat, sound, motion--and far off where the bed of this Divine stream becomes nearly level, exhibits those little ripples of material differentiation which thou termest chemical elements, insisting on there being sixty-three, when there is but One.

From this knowledge came all the wondrous triumphs of that old age, and one by one they are emerging to-day after their long oblivion, till to-morrow they shall awake in crowds, and press to rediscovery by threes and fours, and then by platoons and companies and legions, till all the treasures of Poseid shall be again on earth, in air, and sea.

...I have said that the Atlans recognized Nature in its entirety to be Deity externalized. Their philosophy asserted that force moved, not in straight fines but in circles, that is, so as always to return into itself. If the dynamism operating the universe acts in circular progression, it follows that an infinity of increase in vibration possible to One Substance would be an untenable concept.

There must be a point in the circle where extremes meet and run the round again, and this we find between cathodicity and magnetism. As vibration brought substance into the realm of light, it must carry it out. It does so. It conveys it into what the Poseidi termed "Navaz, the Night-Side of Nature," where duality becomes manifest, cold opposing heat, darkness light, and where positive polarity opposes negative, all things antipodal.

Cold is as much a substantial entity as heat, and darkness as light. There is a prism of seven colors in each white ray of light; there is also a septuple prism of black entities in the blackest gloom--the night is as pregnant as the day.

The Poseid investigator thus became cognizant of wondrous forces of nature which he might bend to the uses of mankind. The secret was out, the discovery being that attraction of gravitation, the law of weight, had set over against it the "repulsion by levitation"; that the first belonged to the Light-Side of Nature, and the second to Navaz, the Night-Side; that vibration governed the darkness and the cold. Thus Poseid, like Job of old, knew the path to the. house of darkness, and the treasures of the hail (cold). Through this wisdom Atlantis found it possible to adjust weight (positiveness) to lack of weight (negativeness) so evenly that no "tug of war" was manifest. This achievement meant much.

It meant aerial navigation without wings or unwieldy gas-reservoirs, through taking advantage of repulsion by levitation opposed in overmatching strength to the attraction of gravitation. That vibration of the One Substance governed and composed all realms was a discovery which solved the problem of the conveyance of images of light, pictures of forms, as well as of sound and heat, just as the telephone thou knowest so well conveys images of sound, only In Poseid no wires or other sensible material connection was required in the use, at whatever distance, of either telephones or telephotes, nor even in caloriveyance, that is, heat-conduction.

- The Aether Spectrum -

aether/zpe slowed down produces
....gravity slowed down produces
.......magnetism slowed down produces
..........electricity slowed down produces
.............light slowed down produces
................heat slowed down produces
...................sound slowed down produces
......................vibration slowed down produces matter

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