' From www.keelynet.com or KeelyNet BBS at 214 324 3501 ' THIS IS A QBASIC PROGRAM in text form. To load it, type QBASIC SCW.ASC on ' your IBM-compatible with MS-DOS 5 or above. ' To RUN the program after it's loaded, press the F5 key. ' *************************************************************************** SCREEN 0: CLS page1: PRINT "SCW.BAS 7/16/95 by Rick Andersen" PRINT PRINT "This is a QBasic program which explores the resultants of combining" PRINT "counter-propagating (bi-directional) waves in various ways, in an effort" PRINT "to discover the methods of generating so-called 'Scalar EM' waves and" PRINT "potentials, as described in the publications of T. E. Bearden and others." PRINT PRINT "Most researchers are of the opinion that the key to Scalar engineering" PRINT "is to generate 'ZERO-VECTOR' or phase-cancelled waves, which, to an" PRINT "orthodox electrical engineer, produces 'zero' effect since you've totally" PRINT "nulled the waves. Earlier books by Bearden put forth the concept that," PRINT "though the EM-'vector' waves are cancelled, there remains a certain non-" PRINT "Hertzian longitudinal STRESS wave on the MEDIUM ('aether') itself. This" PRINT "'scalar-stress' wave was supposed to be the key to the warping/bending" PRINT "of time, space, and gravity." PRINT PRINT "But 'summing to zero' implies a LINEAR mixing medium; yet Bearden also" PRINT "teaches us that normal EM wave radiation produces a 'scalar aura' residue" PRINT "around matter 'because all matter constitutes a slight NON-LINEARITY' in" PRINT "a local region of space-- and it is the non-linear stuff that matters." LOCATE 22, 1: PRINT "Press C to continue, R to repeat or E to exit" LOCATE 23, 55: PRINT "KeelyNet (214) 324-3501" DO k$ = INKEY$ IF UCASE$(k$) = "C" THEN CLS : GOTO PAGE2 IF UCASE$(k$) = "E" THEN CLS : GOTO PAGE6 LOOP PAGE2: CLS PRINT "The careful reader will note that, since around 1989, Tom Bearden" PRINT "has been moving away from the 'sum-zero' cancelled wave (specifically" PRINT "said to be made up of two waves 'moving together in the SAME DIRECTION'" PRINT "but out of phase) model and toward a 'multiplied and/or summed to zero'" PRINT "wave, with a 'Whittaker/Ziolkowski Scalar Potential' made up of harmonic" PRINT "sets of phase-locked BI-DIRECTIONAL waves." PRINT PRINT "This bothered me, because anytime you aim two waves at each other (counter-" PRINT "propagating), they slide IN and OUT of phase rhythmically, regardless of" PRINT "their starting phases relative to one another. I knew this could not be the" PRINT "'scalar' wave Bearden was writing about. Plus, his diagrams of a 'WZ poten-" PRINT "tial' seemed to depict a spatially-static, soliton-like, sine-wave-shaped'" PRINT "hump' in the local spacetime-- something you can't produce by sliding" PRINT "(SUMMING) waves past each other." PRINT PRINT "But what if you MULTIPLY the opposed waves, using a non-linear mixing" PRINT "medium as is done in optical phase conjugate mirrors?" PRINT PRINT "In this program I present animations which illustrate ways of combining" PRINT "waves which apparently describes some of Bearden's Scalar waves." LOCATE 22, 1: PRINT "C=cont R=repeat" LOCATE 23, 1: PRINT "E=exit" LOCATE 23, 55: PRINT "KeelyNet (214) 324-3501" DO k$ = INKEY$ IF UCASE$(k$) = "C" THEN CLS : GOTO STW IF UCASE$(k$) = "E" THEN CLS : GOTO PAGE6 IF UCASE$(k$) = "R" THEN GOTO PAGE2 LOOP STW: ' standing waves SCREEN 9: CLS CONST phaseshift! = 3.141592 / 2 'provides quadrature (90 deg) delay VIEW SCREEN (150, 100)-(400, 200) CLS : LOCATE 1, 1 PRINT "A STANDING WAVE, made by SUMMING 2 counter-propagating waves in a linear" PRINT "medium. A standing wave has spatially-fixed 'node' points, and time- " PRINT "varying amplitude/polarity at its antinodes. " PRINT " " FOR timeslice = 0 TO 10 STEP .2 CLS FOR angle = 0 TO 6.28 STEP .2 wave1 = SIN(angle + timeslice) wave2 = SIN(angle - timeslice) sum = wave1 + wave2 LINE (200, 150)-(400, 150), 8 PSET (200 + angle * 30, 150 - wave1 * 20), 12 PSET (200 + angle * 30, 150 - wave2 * 20), 2 PSET (200 + angle * 30, 150 - sum * 20), 14 NEXT NEXT LOCATE 22, 1: PRINT "C=cont R=repeat" LOCATE 23, 1: PRINT "E=exit" LOCATE 23, 55: PRINT "KeelyNet (214) 324-3501" DO k$ = INKEY$ IF UCASE$(k$) = "C" THEN CLS : GOTO SCALAR1 IF UCASE$(k$) = "E" THEN CLS : GOTO PAGE6 IF UCASE$(k$) = "R" THEN GOTO STW LOOP SCALAR1: ' multiplying bi-directional waves LOCATE 22, 1: PRINT " " CLS : LOCATE 1, 1 PRINT "MULTIPLYING two counter-propagating waves (mutual modulation) by mixing " PRINT "them in a NON-linear medium gives a curious STATIC WAVE (of TWICE the " PRINT "'spatial' frequency of the component waves) riding on a time-varying, " PRINT "'bouncing' DC offset... Twice the frequency because we are SQUARING the " PRINT "waves in the Time Domain, which is DOUBLING them in the Frequency Domain." FOR timeslice = 0 TO 10 STEP .2 CLS FOR angle = 0 TO 6.28 STEP .2 wave1 = SIN(angle + timeslice) wave2 = SIN(angle - timeslice) product = wave1 * wave2 LINE (200, 150)-(400, 150), 8 PSET (200 + angle * 30, 150 - wave1 * 20), 12 PSET (200 + angle * 30, 150 - wave2 * 20), 2 PSET (200 + angle * 30, 150 - product * 20), 14 NEXT NEXT LOCATE 22, 1: PRINT "C=cont R=repeat" LOCATE 23, 1: PRINT "E=exit" LOCATE 23, 55: PRINT "KeelyNet (214) 324-3501" DO k$ = INKEY$ IF UCASE$(k$) = "C" THEN CLS : GOTO SCALAR2 IF UCASE$(k$) = "E" THEN CLS : GOTO PAGE6 IF UCASE$(k$) = "R" THEN GOTO SCALAR1 LOOP SCALAR2: ' (A*B)+(C*D), with C in quadrature with A, and D with B LOCATE 22, 1: PRINT " " CLS : LOCATE 1, 1 PRINT "Multiplying a SECOND bi-directional pair of waves, having a 90 degree " PRINT "(quadrature) phase delay with respect to the first pair, and then SUMMING " PRINT "the two products, (wave A x wave B) + (wave C x wave D), produces a time- " PRINT "varying DC-like offset which rides up and down, without any spatial wave " PRINT "present at all! Are we 'waving time' here, independent of distance?? " LOCATE 16, 1 PRINT "Is this Bearden's 'waving the potential' (mentioned in 'Fer De Lance' and " PRINT "other books) which appears to be INSTANTANEOUS along the time/distance " PRINT "horizontal axis? Is this the 'wave' we need to generate and detect for a " PRINT "'scalar communications system'? " FOR timeslice = 0 TO 10 STEP .2 CLS FOR angle = 0 TO 6.28 STEP .2 wave1 = SIN(angle + timeslice) wave2 = SIN(angle - timeslice) product1 = wave1 * wave2 wave3 = SIN(angle + timeslice - phaseshift!) wave4 = SIN(angle - timeslice - phaseshift!) product2 = wave3 * wave4 sum = product1 + product2 LINE (200, 150)-(400, 150), 8 PSET (200 + angle * 30, 150 - product1 * 20), 12 PSET (200 + angle * 30, 150 - product2 * 20), 2 PSET (200 + angle * 30, 150 - sum * 20), 14 NEXT NEXT LOCATE 22, 1: PRINT "C=cont R=repeat" LOCATE 23, 1: PRINT "E=exit" LOCATE 23, 55: PRINT "KeelyNet (214) 324-3501" DO k$ = INKEY$ IF UCASE$(k$) = "C" THEN CLS : GOTO SCALAR3 IF UCASE$(k$) = "E" THEN CLS : GOTO PAGE6 IF UCASE$(k$) = "R" THEN GOTO SCALAR2 LOOP SCALAR3: ' (A*B)-(C*D), with C in quadrature with A, and D with B ' NOTE: We can also make the quadrature +90 and ADD the products, ' rather than -90 and SUBTRACT, which we're doing here. LOCATE 22, 1: PRINT " " CLS : LOCATE 1, 1 PRINT "If we SUBTRACT rather than ADD the two quadrature products that we made " PRINT "previously, we produce a very unusual 'STATIC WAVE' of 'potential', " PRINT "spatially-fixed in a wavelike manner and also UNMOVING (0 Hertz) with " PRINT "respect to time! In other words, a FIXED, static DC potential which varies" PRINT "in amplitude and polarity along its SPATIAL distribution only... " PRINT "(wave A x wave B) - (wave C x wave D) " LOCATE 16, 1 PRINT "Is this Bearden's present concept of an Artificial Potential, in which " PRINT "harmonically-related pairs of bi-directional waves combine into a " PRINT "spatially- and TEMPORALLY-fixed soliton-like warp in the local potential??" PRINT "(See the diagrams of a 'fixed' sine wave in his book GRAVITO-BIOLOGY). " FOR timeslice = 0 TO 10 STEP .2 CLS FOR angle = 0 TO 6.28 STEP .2 wave1 = SIN(angle + timeslice) wave2 = SIN(angle - timeslice) product1 = wave1 * wave2 wave3 = SIN(angle + timeslice - phaseshift!) wave4 = SIN(angle - timeslice - phaseshift!) product2 = wave3 * wave4 sum = product1 - product2 LINE (200, 150)-(400, 150), 8 PSET (200 + angle * 30, 150 - product1 * 20), 12 PSET (200 + angle * 30, 150 + product2 * 20), 2 PSET (200 + angle * 30, 150 - sum * 20), 14 NEXT NEXT LOCATE 22, 1: PRINT "C=cont R=repeat" LOCATE 23, 1: PRINT "E=exit" LOCATE 23, 55: PRINT "KeelyNet (214) 324-3501" DO k$ = INKEY$ IF UCASE$(k$) = "C" THEN CLS : GOTO PAGE3 IF UCASE$(k$) = "E" THEN CLS : GOTO PAGE6 IF UCASE$(k$) = "R" THEN GOTO SCALAR3 LOOP PAGE3: CLS : SCREEN 0 PRINT "So, apparently, we CAN produce either a WAVING PURE POTENTIAL, or a " PRINT "SOLITON-like hump in the potential in a local area, analogous to a DC " PRINT "STATIC CHARGE, simply by properly combining (multiplying, phase-shifting " PRINT "and ADDING/SUBTRACTING) four waves in the proper way! " PRINT PRINT "Does this analysis imply that, anytime we generate a STATIC DC charge " PRINT "on a metal sphere, etc., we are actually generating a set of phase-locked " PRINT "bi-directional waves, traveling to and from the surrounding space? " PRINT "(As Bearden describes in GRAVITO-BIOLOGY)" PRINT PRINT "Does STATIC DC, then, have a 'Fourier spectrum' analysis, just as AC does?" PRINT PRINT "Notice how different all of this is from Bearden's earlier phase-nulled, " PRINT "180-degree cancellation systems (also espoused by Hooper, W.B. Smith and " PRINT "his 'Tempic-field' Cadeucus coil, etc). " PRINT PRINT "The big question is: How do we build one of these generators? " LOCATE 22, 1: PRINT "C=cont R=repeat" LOCATE 23, 1: PRINT "E=exit" LOCATE 23, 55: PRINT "KeelyNet (214) 324-3501" DO k$ = INKEY$ IF UCASE$(k$) = "C" THEN CLS : GOTO page4 IF UCASE$(k$) = "E" THEN CLS : GOTO PAGE6 IF UCASE$(k$) = "R" THEN GOTO PAGE3 LOOP page4: CLS PRINT "We need a 3-dimensional non-linear space or medium in which to mix the " PRINT "waves (unlike radio-type mixers/modulators, which are only 1-dimensional)." PRINT "Phase-conjugate mirror technology might provide a clue. Perhaps it has " PRINT "already been done... See the book CLEAR INTENT by Timothy Good, in which " PRINT "it is claimed by ufologist Bob Eschler that NASA has a secret 'antigravity" PRINT "room' somewhere, in which astronauts can train in near-weightless condi- " PRINT "tions, produced by some sort of 'fluorescent plasma' devices installed in " PRINT "the ceiling... Hmmm, doesn't plasma provide a non-linear medium for the " PRINT "cross-modulation (multiplication) of waves??? " PRINT PRINT "It is my guess that the 'waving DC potential' is what we need for a scalar" PRINT "communications device, while our 'static' soliton wave will serve to bend " PRINT "time/gravity/ambient charge in a fixed direction/amount depending on where" PRINT "you measure along a wavelength, distance-wise. " PRINT PRINT "It might be interesting to see how plant growth, for example, would be" PRINT "affected if we could produce a 'static potential soliton' having a wave- " PRINT "length of, say, several feet, and placing a plant every 90 degrees or so" PRINT "along the length of the wave... or, put a clock or wristwatch every 90 deg." PRINT "and see if they lose synchronization. Any ideas? Comments? Criticisms? " PRINT "Flaws in my presentation? DESIGNS? Please share them with the rest of us" PRINT "KeelyNetters -- It's about time we proved this Scalar business true or false" PRINT "once and for all! T=rerun E=end" DO k$ = INKEY$ IF UCASE$(k$) = "T" THEN CLS : GOTO page1 IF UCASE$(k$) = "E" GOTO PAGE6 LOOP PAGE6: CLS END ' of program listing '****************************************************************************