Proposal for Student Research Strategy - 10/24/97

An opportunity for all maverick inventors to have their device or proposal tested and verified yet still retain their intellectual property rights.

Download .zipped NASA Propulsion Document in .WRI format - 52KB

Date: Fri, 24 Oct 1997 12:36:33 +0800
To: Jerry
From: Trevor Osborne

G'Day Jerry (from Down-under),

Thanks for your interest. The document in question is NASA Technical Memorandum 107381 - Breakthrough Propulsion Physics Research Program by Marc G. Millis. I have attached it to this email in "Write" format. If you are unable to access it please let me know and I will find another way (I hope, as I am new to working the Net).

I think you will find it very interesting and, as far as I know there is no copyright on it. In fact, Hal Fox of the INE already had seen it but didn't have it in 'electronic' format.

What I intend doing is "volunteer" to provide Marc with a document that he, through NASA can email to every university and technical institution around the globe.

It will be to propose they adopt a Student Research Strategy along the lines proposed by Marc in the above referenced Memorandum...

There is another facet to this "beyond conventionalism."

Institutions such as NASA routinely get numerous unsolicited submissions from individuals who claim to have a breakthrough device or theory.

Frequently these submissions are too poorly conceived or incomplete, or too complex to be easily evaluated.

To distribute this workload to other credible organizations and to keep an open mind to the possibility that one of these maverick inventors may have actually made a breakthrough, the following approach is suggested.

Any individual who thinks they have a breakthrough device or theory is strongly advised to collaborate with a university or other educational institute to conduct a credible test of their claim.

The university can propose the test as an educational student project, where the students will learn first-hand about the scientific method and how to apply systematic rigor and open-mindedness in conducting a credible test of an incredible claim.

In such collaborations it is suggested that the inventors retain full intellectual property rights to their devices or theories, and that the universities make the proposal and receive all the funds to conduct the student projects.

With this procedure, if the device or theory works, then supporting evidence would be established in a credible fashion and the originator would retain the intellectual property rights.

If the device or theory does not work, then at least the students would have had a meaningful educational experience, and the concept's originator can work on another idea. --- UNQUOTE.
I think you will agree this is a very well conceived proposal and deserves due consideration, it is what we in World Harmony call, Win-Win.

My Best Personal Regards for a wonderful job that you and your associates are doing. --- Trevor