______________________________________________________________________________ | File Name : MAGSLEEP.ASC | Online Date : 11/25/95 | | Contributed by : Peter Kelly | Dir Category : ENERGY | | From : KeelyNet BBS | DataLine : (214) 324-3501 | | KeelyNet * PO BOX 870716 * Mesquite, Texas * USA * 75187 | | A FREE Alternative Sciences BBS sponsored by Vanguard Sciences | | InterNet www.keelynet.com email jdecker@keelynet.com (Jerry Decker) | | Files also available at Bill Beaty's http://www.eskimo.com/~billb | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| The following interesting file is from Peter Kelly's Interdimensional News publication. Yearly subscriptions are available for $25 in the US and $40 international from : Interdimensional News PO BOX 167 2 Oasis Road Lakemont, Georgia 30552 Peter is a researcher into the scalar aspects of radionics. His company sells several devices which use advanced proprietary circuitry developed from their own observations and research. They also publish and sell many unusual and hard to find books. FarSide Land is developing a retreat using dome homes although they also sell some very well designed modular units built after the fashion of an Air-Stream trailer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ From Interdimensional News, Volume XII, Volume 2, May-Aug 1995 (double issue) View from the Dome (written by Peter Kelly) Dear Friends of Interdimensional & Dimensional Sciences, FarSide Land & Development Company too. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...; It was a MOST unusual summer. Now that the earth's magnetic field is so noticeably decreased, there will be even more profound changes on the planet. These will be physically noticeable; Things like a lot more Unusual storms...Hurricanes following seemingly random tracks, even doubling back on their tracks, losing their stream, then starting back all over again. Lots more of the larger earthquakes....More often, and more intensity. It's the weakening of the earth's magnetic field folks...The magnetic field is responsible for holding storms in their track...for minimizing profound sudden change like all those cluster earthquakes that seem to be occurring. If the scalar fields are the "energy-as-information" that determines what things are, and the "magnetic" fields hold that information into place, then the "information" itself is subject to variation and change by even so random an event as people "thinking" about the information. We add or subtract to or from that information when we do so. Our emotions, DIRECTED, can have a similar effect. It's all about that "summed scalar charge" that makes things what they are. Recently I've been hearing that different speakers have been mentioning that the earth's magnetic field has been DECREASING towards zero, but that its frequency has been INCREASING towards some other frequency like 13Hz (cycles per second). We are talking about two MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE events folks. The Magnetic Field decreasing to zero is a really BIG (long) cycle of a sinewave-like intensity with a period (time) of 25,000 years for a whole cycle. That would be 12,500 years (approximately) for 1/2 cycle and assuming (like we do) that it is of relatively even duration and intensity, that the polarity changes approximately on that 12,500 year half cycle of that sinewave intensity. As can be seen by the illustration above, we're using a sinewave to illustrate the relative intensities of the Earth's magnetic field over its 25,000 (approximately) year cycle. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Illustration to help understand the cyclical reversal of the Earth's Magnetic field as a sine wave function MAX (+) ----------+--+-------------------------------------+--+--------- | + + | | + + | | + + | | + + | | + 12,500 Years + |zero point | + 12,500 Years + | |+ +| "A" |+ +| * 0---------------------0-------------------0--------------------0 | Time--------> |- -| "B" | | | - 12,500 Years - | zero point | | | - - | | | | - - | | (-) |---------------------|--------\--/-------|--------------------| MAX 0 1 2 3 Start * - Zero Intensity Crossing Point (diagram copyright International Sciences 1995) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Right now we are near a time corresponding to zero point "A" or "B". In fact, it should be crossing through the Zero Intensity Crossing Point around 2010 to 2012 AD. This is only for this cycle. (note : the zero intensity crossing point is equivalent to the Bloch Wall in any magnetic field, it is there where the magnetic field becomes non- existent because of the cancellation/flipping of both magnetic polarities.) In all probability, your hand-held magnetic compass will point in the opposite direction after that time. Until that time, the needle on the compass will move to its usual position, but much more slowly. Now the 7.83Hz (cycles per second) is what is called the Schumann Resonance and is composed of the 'cavity' between the Stratosphere and the Earth itself. It has been an average frequency, and of itself CAN VARY by as much as +/- 4Hz PER DAY. (due to changes in the dielectric stresses of the atmosphere) That would be a minimum frequency of 3.83Hz to a maximum of 11.83Hz in an average day. There is no doubt in my mind that this can vary even more during times of extreme heat or cold, weather related phenomena such as clouds, storms, hurricanes, typhoons, tornadoes, and perhaps astronomical events like the full moon, meteor showers, near comets, etc.. Again, what the 7.83Hz represents is the AVERAGE frequency of this cavity. It also is the frequency point in healers when they're healing, artists when they're creating, channels when they're channeling, and psychics while they're well.....psychic. If this cavity changes SIGNIFICANTLY, for a LONG ENOUGH period of time, so that the Schumann resonance AVERAGE frequency changes to some other figure, (bigger cavity=lower frequency, smaller cavity=high frequency), then perhaps a NEW GENERATION of HUMANS will be in their healing, psychic, shaman, CREATIVE WINDOW at the new Schumann Resonance frequency. An interesting side note is that figure (Schumann frequency) HAS NOT CHANGED YET.....in spite of changes in intensity of the Earth's Magnetic component. When and if it does change, we will pass on the information and make adjustments to our ELF-I or ELF-II frequency generators as appropriate....... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vanguard note... Peter has long promoted this view of reality and how it can be altered. The idea that magnetism can be suppressed, the electrical 'signature' altered, then the magnetic field restored to transmute the physical matter to the newly modified energetic signature is both brilliant and inspired. If it happens on a macro level, it also must happen on a micro level, offering intriguing possibilities for practical transmutation.........................>>> Jerry ------------------------------------------------------------------------------