___________________________________________________________________________ | File Name : FINSRUD3.ASC | Online Date : 06/17/96 | | Contributed by : Frode Olsen | Dir Category : ENERGY | | From : KeelyNet BBS | DataLine : (214) 324-3501 | | KeelyNet * PO BOX 870716 * Mesquite, Texas * USA * 75187 | | A FREE Alternative Sciences BBS sponsored by Vanguard Sciences | | InterNet email jdecker@keelynet.com (Jerry Decker) | | Files also available at Bill Beaty's http://www.eskimo.com/~billb | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| This is the newest upload from Frode Olsen with regard to his visit to see Mr. Reidar Finsrud. There are now 5 files; FINSRUD1.ASC - original notice FINSRUD2.ASC - translation of TV chat FINSRUD3.ASC - this file FINSRUD1.GIF - photo of machine from the TV show FINSRUD2.GIF - photo of inventor with machine --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Secrets inside the Finsrud PMM ------------------------------- I visited Mr. Finsrud in his large gallery Saturday the 8th of June. We talked for about 2 hours. He is very knowledgeable on a large number of subjects. On behalf of Stefan Marinov, I asked Mr. Finsrud to talk about how he came to making the device. He then told us that he started out trying to make the exact opposite thing from a moving sculpture, a stable, non-moving sculpture. He was trying to make an ashtray suspended in mid-air by a set of repelling magnets on a platform underneath. The ashtray was saucer-shaped with the center dome inverted to make a bowl (tray) for the ashes. The idea was that it should not move or rotate. He tried for a long time to get it stable, but because of the high center of gravity, it kept flipping around or drifted out of the field. Mr. Finsrud is a brilliant observer of natural phenomena, and makes his own theories, not feeling bound by what is mainstream. He said to me: "Well...I realized that it would not keep still because of a CHAOTIC FIELD. So, I said to myself: If you won't stay still, you will damn well RUN !" This is how he began studying the CHAOS-PENDULUM that almost everyone has seen. The one that swings over a platform with magnets chaotically placed on the platform. Around the center magnet underneath the pendulum, he made concentric circles, each one with a radius equal to the distance from the center. He then numbered them from the center outwards. Studying the random, totally unpredictable, chaotic bounces from one magnet to the next, he wrote down the following number series: 1-6-3-2-4-7-2-1-5-2-5-7.... Which would mean that this particular test resulted when the pendulum went from the magnet closest to the center, then to the 6'th closest, then to the 3'rd closest..... On the machine, there are three magnets placed over the track. When the ball passes under, they are attracted, and bend down. They are mounted on flat spring steel arms. The movement is restricted to about 3 mm, so they stop a few mm over the passing ball. The chaos pendulum in the center moves these magnets a small distance up or down trough the arms connecting the center pendulum to each of these 3 magnets. This causes the time that the magnets 'fall' or 'snap' down towards the ball to vary slightly. Mr. Finsrud's idea was that IT IS ONLY ONE 'code' or number series that will cause the magnets to bend down exactly as the ball is passing, thus stopping the machine. The rest of the codes/number series will either slow it down or accelerate it, and there will statistically be an equal number of accelerating codes as well as codes that will slow it down. Since the pendulum is chaotic, the probability of the machine 'finding' the only 'right' code for stopping is very small, virtually zero. To stabilize the speed of the ball he introduced the horse-shoe magnets and the three long pendulums that are visible from outside. A fast ball will push the flexible controller track-rod down so fast, the pendula attached to this particular horse-shoe magnet will not have time to swing out and push the horse-shoe magnet down and away from the track. Thus, the magnet will raise itself up against the passing ball holding it stronger as it passes out of the field than it was held when pulling it into the field. Braking of the fast moving ball is the result. A slow ball is accelerated by the reverse process: the slow ball will be pulled into the magnetic field, and at the same time the magnet will pull the ball over the controlling flexible rod, forcing itself down and away from the ball. Thus, the field felt by a slow ball is stronger in towards the horse-shoe magnet, than away from the magnet: producing acceleration. Mr.Finsrud has repeatedly stated that he cannot explain where the surplus energy comes from. His theory when working with the device was the 'codes', that all but one code would want to uphold the status quo. Since the machine is hand started with the ball having some speed, maintaining this speed would maintain the status quo. I compared the energy that the center chaos-pendulum was able to transfer to the ball with that which the three 'regulators' was able to transfer, and found a 1:500 ratio. We were standing, two of us discussing this with the inventor, and I said: "Your theory for the surplus energy might be correct, but I am convinced that the energy surplus comes from the 'regulators' accelerating the slow balls. Mr. Finsrud, I think you have had more luck than you have been clever. Another reason for my belief is the fact that you had to add the 'regulators in the first place to get the machine working". The inventor looked at me, smiled mysteriously and said: "Well...I have said that I do not know where the energy comes from exactly, so I can't say that my explanation is the right one. It might be that you are right". So ended my first sighting of the machine. As he walked us to the door, the discussion went on about making other versions of the machine with much larger power. Also his great knowledge in mechanics, painting with light, experimental chemistry, materials, painting, sculpting and philosophy became apparent in our talks. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vanguard Notes The idea of a code based on the arrangement of the magnets, that helps to entrain the motion of the ball from one of chaos to one of a reinforcing magnetically driven 'flow' correlates with John Searles Magic Number series. Searle claims that magnets, composed of certain elements and arranged in a specific pattern, will create a wavefront that produces a spiralling acceleration, with no outside power source. This COHERING OF CHAOS is exactly what many of us are seeking in our quest to tap any random naturally occurring energy such as ZPE, Aether, gravity, cosmic rays, light, whatever - for practical uses. Tom Beardens' phase conjugate ideas, though not so 'en vogue' now are still highly regarded by many of us here at KeelyNet. All frequencies are subject to phasing, whether constructive or destructive and if properly applied, can be used to enhance, retard, suspend or cancel the characteristics of any energy or mass that has vibration associated with it. This 'code' which Mr. Finsrud speaks of creates a magnetic spatial pattern that is analogous to a reinforcing phased field. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------