F/E Demonstration - 03/22/97

Date: Sun, 16 Mar 1997 21:49:20 +0100
From: Christian Sakata
Subject: free energy machine presentation

Dear friends of free energy,

The long promised presentation of Felix Wurth's free energy machine will take place on

April 5th
starting at 9:30am
at Marienstrasse 5, 91 056
Erlangen, Germany

A video will be shown with a 10kW device in operation. The inventor will talk about future plans (production and marketing).

There will be a fee of DM 390.

A non-disclosure statement has to be signed. If anyone is interested in participating I can send you an application. I will tell you all about it afterwards.

For more Informationen call Frau Vogel: +49-9131-991096.

Love and Light - Chris

Free energy, earth changes, spiritual growth: