Richard Clem Update #3 - KeelyNet 04/26/02

The following recent information was kindly provided by Richard Clem's daughter who I will not name because of her desire for anonymity at this time;

Subject: Richard Clem
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2002 08:36:54 -0500
From: ****
To: Jerry Decker

Hello, as you can see my name is **** and I am Richard Clem's daughter. I don't know really what to say. Some of your facts are true and some are not. I am just surprised that there is still interest in this engine.

Subject: Re: Richard Clem
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2002 12:37:09 -0500
From: Jerry Decker
Organization: KeelyNet
To: ****

Hi ****!

Yes, there is still much interest in your fathers motor. The information I have is ALL anecdotal with no facts since we have never seen any paperworks, patents or design drawings but would love to post them so that others could verify your fathers work.

Several years ago I was contacted by a member of the family who still lived out near Flower Mound, he said there was a fellow who was I believe a contractor who had the only existing set of plans to allow reproduction of the motor and that the guy was very paranoid, but that if the time came that we ever had any investment money, he could arrange a meeting to see if we could get a copy of the plans.

Did you see the motor in operation? Was it actually self-running as I have been told and the newspaper article stated?

If the descriptions we have are accurate, it seems to be using compound phenomena, vortex action, cavitation, viscosity and above all a form of heat pump.

The oil would have a certain 'stickiness' at lower temperatures, however as it was accelerated and began to heat this 'stickiness' would decrease, making it easier to pump, thus increasing the velocity.

There is a design called a CEACU which the guy apparently never built, but it looks like a takeoff on your fathers engine. It gives some calculations as to how to determine what kind of power and what speed the engine should be able to handle...but it has been around for years, the guy never built it and I have never seen or heard or read of anyone building a successful device based on it.

If you have the time and are so inclined, I would love for you to write up a file about your father and his work, it could be linked to the originals and help to clarify whatever errors exist in the only information we have about Richard Clem.

Do you know if he ever applied for or received a patent? I have never found anything nor has anyone else to indicate he did, but it would certainly shed some light on the machine construction.

I knew a college student who spent a lot of time and money trying to build the machine as described but it never took off and self-ran as described.

Do you know if the Bendix test was true and do you have any paperwork that we could post to verify it?

Really anything you could dig out or write down from memory would be useful and much appreciated by those of us looking for a self-running, 'no-fuel' engine.

With sufficient information, you might even consider writing or co-writing a book about your father, photographs, documentation, plans, drawings, personal stories and memories from you, your family, friends of Richard and business associates would probably make for an interesting book that would sell and possibly lead to investors who might be willing to put up the R&D funds to try to duplicate the claims.

The fellow who contacted me claiming to be a nephew said Richard did much more than just the engine, as I recall, he said he created some kind of bush or plant, that one still grew and thrived out in Flower Mound (I worked for 3 years at Trinity Mills and Denton Drive, lived in Dallas for about 25 years, now live in central Mexico doing experiments and research on my own but still running KeelyNet via the Internet and my partner Chuck in Dallas).

Anyway, if you have any information, especially technical details that might provide sufficient information to be able to attempt a duplication, it would be great if you could share it or write it up in a book or something so it does not get lost. So many great inventions have been bought out and kept hidden or the inventor threatened into not talking or promoting it...

Do you know what happened to the original machine or any of his prototypes? The engine tested by Bendix, or the one used in the car he tried to drive to El Paso I think...were those just scrapped??

Thank you for contacting me, it would be excellent to clarify and update these files with information from someone who KNOWS all about Richard and his activities. Seeya!

Subject: RE: Richard Clem
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2002 13:50:34 -0500
From: ****
To: Jerry Decker


There are no family members in Flower Mound and this fellow who is a contractor has nothing. Even the drawing you have on your site is one of the very first crude drawings and by no means the ending result.

Yes, I did see the car running. Since Ford and GM wanted to buy all Dad's plans to just shelf the unit Dad decided to try to get backing on his own. He was advised by the Car conglomerates and was advised and actually served with paperwork advising him that if he put this engine in any of their vehicles that he would be sued and placed in jail. He was forced to build his own prototype vehicle which was very rustic and made out of sheet metal. It wasn't real pretty, but he painted it bright red and it had no roof, but it did pass state inspection.

The vehicle was in operation and Dad did drove it from Dallas to El Paso and back with no problems other than the outer limits such as bugs. If I'm not mistaken, one of the local TV networks, such as Channel 4, 5, 8 or 11 was there and filmed it. He was also on the David Letterman show.

As I remember the engine was self running, but you needed the starter just to start the engine initially. I helped my dad do the drawings and the writings for submission to the patent office but by no means do I know how it works.

My dad only went to the 3rd grade and he could not read or write, so I was his pen and paper from a very young age. We spent many, many, many hours, days and months, submitting and resubmitting plans, blueprints and writeups to the patent office. What a job.

One thing you must remember there was so much information that my dad kept in his head and refused to submit it to the patent and other people because of the bomb threats we had against our lives. But there are daily detail logs of what he was doing and the problems he ran into. Our house was set on fire several times and I have even seen my dad beat to a pulp and dropped in our drive.

The FBI never actually came and took the engine after dad's death. But I'm sure some of the men that came to the house prior to his death could have been. And sometimes I think this was a big stress on him, because his entire family was in constant danger.

A Patent was filed and received and is renewed as needed to protect the remaining members of the family. There are a few complications here that I would much rather not go into detail about. You must remember we have stayed out of the lime light for the protection of our familys.

Dad tried to go with some private investers which was how daddy did get the engine and the prototype car built. But big problems came from that and those two people are still in the pen for mail fraud.

My dad has given me his wishes and his do's and don't from his death bed and I hope you can understand that. I just really don't know who to trust.

Prior to working on the engine Dad was a licensed horticulturist and had his own business and green house at the Flower Mound address. And yes, he has a plant that he invented it is called "Silver King Euonymus". He was a very intelligent man to have as little education as he did. These plants are located all over the United States and you probably have one in your yard. It is an ornamental bush, green leaves with varigation around the edges of the leaves.

One last thing that I will say before I go is that the machine is not buried somewhere and still running. And the prototype car was just junk that if I'm not mistaken was just hauled off and scrapped. A lot of the information, documents, literature, and logs have been secured and will remain secure. My dad has given me his wishes and his do's and don't from his death bed and I hope you can understand that. I just really don't know who to trust.

Thank you for your understanding and I want you to know that I have really enjoyed talking about this. It has been kept quiet for so long.


Subject: Re: Richard Clem
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2002 18:18:00 -0500
From: Jerry Decker
Organization: KeelyNet
To: ****

Hi ****! I just logged back on and was very pleased to receive your email with the additional 'inside' information about your father..thank you so much for sharing it.

If you don't mind, I have some questions that follow;

> **** wrote:
> Jerry,
> There are no family members in Flower Mound and this fellow who is a
> contractor has nothing.  Even the drawing you have on your site is one of
> the very first crude drawings and by no means the ending result.

I think the guy really was part of the family as I recall there were two who
contacted me, it has been a long time ago and I am not remembering all the
specifics, but the information is on a crashed hard drive which I still have
not recovered and when I do, I have your email address in my address book
and will forward you all the correspondence so you can see why I believed
him, but I do remember that point about him saying someone who I THINK he
said was a contractor had the only known set of plans.  My drives are in
Laredo in storage and I have about 2-3 more loads to bring down before all
my possessions are here....I found out I have an enlarged spleen which eats
my red blood cells and decided I wanted to spend as much of my life as I
could working on KeelyNet type interests and trying to repair this spleen
problem, so am using alternative electronic medicine devices and working on
various projects...

> Yes, I did see the car running.  Since Ford and GM wanted to buy all Dad's
> plans to just shelf the unit Dad decided to try to get backing on his
> own.  He was advised by the Car conglomerates and was advised and actually
> served with paperwork advising him that if he put this engine in any of
> their vehicles that he would be sued and placed in jail.  He was forced to
> build his own prototype vehicle which was very rustic and made out of
> sheet metal.  It wasnt real pretty, but he painted it bright red and it
> had no roof, but it did pass state inspection.

Would you happen to have any photos of the vehicle, your dad, any of his
machines, basically anything that could be used to update the available
information on him?  If you could scan them as .jpg or mail them I could
scan and send back to you FedEx.  Or my partner Chuck in Carrollton could
scan them and send to me to build a new page...

> The vehicle was in operation and Dad did drove it from Dallas to El Paso
> and back with no problems other than the outer limits such as bugs.  If
> I'm not mistaken, one of the local TV networks, such as Channel 4, 5, 8 or
> 11 was there and filmed it.  He was also on the David Letterman show.

So that part is true.  Do you know what year this TV coverage occurred, both
Letterman and the local Dallas stations?  It would help us try to get a copy
of the footage which we could place as an .mpg file online.

> As I remember the engine was self running, but you needed the starter just
> to start the engine initially.  I helped my dad do the drawings and the
> writings for submission to the patent office but by no means do I know how
> it works.  My dad only went to the 3rd grade and he could not read or
> write, so I was his pen and paper from a very young age.  We spent many,
> many, many hours, days and months, submitting and resubmitting plans,
> blueprints and writeups to the patent office.  What a job.  One thing you
> must remember there was so much information that my dad kept in his head
> and refused to submit it to the patent and other people because of the
> bomb threats we had against our lives.  But there are daily detail logs of
> what he was doing and the problems he ran into.  Our house was set on fire
> several times and I have even seen my dad beat to a pulp and dropped in
> our drive.  The FBI never actually came and took the engine after dad's
> death.  But I'm sure some of the men that came to the house prior to his
> death could have been.  And sometimes I think this was a big stress on
> him, because his entire family was in constant danger.

So all that really did happen, the threats and actions taken to keep it
quiet?  Wow.  

Do you still have the daily detail logs, patent office submissions or a
patent number (since I searched and found 774 listings for Clem).  I went
through them by title and found nothing about an engine or generator.  If he
had a patent, do you have the number or was it assigned to someone else,
possibly an investor, where I could look it up at the online patent archives

When and how did your dad die?  I was told it was a heart attack. I did a
search and found three with the middle one being the most likely as your

Richard CLEM - age 62
    Birth Date: 30 Oct 1908  
    Death Date: Oct 1970  
    Social Security Number:  457-16-8403  
    State or Territory Where Number Was Issued:  Texas 
  Death Residence Localities 
    ZIP Code: 75411  
    Localities:  Arthur City, Lamar, Texas 
Richard CLEM - age 50
    Birth Date: 30 Oct 1928  
    Death Date: May 1978  
    Social Security Number:  460-20-8591  
    State or Territory Where Number Was Issued:  Texas 
  Death Benefit Localities  
    Zip Code:  75067  
    Localities: Double Oak, Denton, Texas 
  Highland Village, Denton, Texas 
  Lewisville, Denton, Texas 
Richard CLEM - age 62
    Birth Date: 30 Oct 1908  
    Death Date: Oct 1970  
    Social Security Number:  457-16-8403  
    State or Territory Where Number Was Issued:  Texas 
  Death Residence Localities 
    ZIP Code: 75411  
    Localities:  Arthur City, Lamar, Texas 
> A Patent was filed and received and is renewed as needed to protect the
> remaining members of the family.   There are a few complications here that
> I would much rather not go into detail about.  You must remember we have
> stayed out of the lime light for the protection of our familys.

Could you provide me with the number so I could look it up and post it to
the new file I am building?  I will not mention your name or contact
information in any way.  Ideally, I would love to post sufficient details
that would inspire people to spend the money to VERIFY the device as
self-running, that would be in the form of a PoP (proof of principle) for
which KeelyNet is well known;

Proof Of Principle

This way it would serve multiple purposes;

1)  get the information out to the world that others could test it

2)  protect the family as now it is known worldwide

3)  attract investors who might want to produce it

4)  give Richard Clem the credit he deserves in science and engineering

5)  change several 'laws' of science which would be named after him since
with multiple verifications, his discovery would be undeniable

6)  it would help to power the world, diminish pollution problems and give
people options as to where they wanted to get their power, preferably small
self-sustained units for homes or vehicles, no more grid power, no more
burning of fuels that produce oxides and other pollutants

Another option is to sign non-disclosures with an investment group who would
provide the R&D funding to verify the technology, then either use the
existing patent or refile another with changes to protect the family and
investor interests, once verified, the devices could be put into production
with a percentage of profits going to a family trust or whoever represents
the estate.

> Dad tried to go with some private investers which was how daddy did get
> the engine and the prototype car built.  But big problems came from that
> and those two people are still in the pen for mail fraud.

I am sure that is a can of worms as they probably still have ownership in
the technology, however, it might be possible it could be done in such a way
that the family would be protected because new R&D with new discoveries AND
MATERIALS would allow filing a new international patent which was superior
to the original and protected all interests.  OR, they could be included in
a new deal that would have to be worked out by a family spokesperson, the
old investors and the new investors who would make it happen.  I know of
three groups right off the bat!

> My dad has given me his wishes and his do's and don't from his death bed
> and I hope you can understand that.  I just really don't know who to
> trust.

Are they private and confidential? or could you share them with me so I can
understand what is allowed and not allowed, I will not make them public or
share them with anyone, but it would help me get an idea of what his wishes
are and what yours and the familys are today.

There is safety in numbers which is why I think the internet and computers
have changed information as we know it.  Nothing would be sadder than for
this technical breakthrough to disappear because of fear or
many others have let it happen.  The discovery of your father, once verified
in hardware and understood would change the science books and your fathers
name would be taught as the Einstein of thermodynamics, taught in schools
and universities around the world and with people using his technology to
improve lives and clean up the planet.

> Prior to working on the engine Dad was a licensed horticulturist and had
> his own business and green house at the Flower Mound address.  And yes, he
> has a plant that he invented it is called "Silver King Euonymus".  He was
> a very intelligent man to have as little education as he did.  These
> plants are located all over the United States and you probably have one in
> your yard.  It is an ornamental bush, green leaves with varigation around
> the edges of the leaves.

That would be an interesting sidelight as people love to know some history
about the other activities of inventors, I found this;

SILVER KING EUONYMUS - Euonymus japonicus `Silver King`

but could not find anything about Clem associated with it, but most of the
sites I saw were nurseries trying to sell it, no history on how it came
> One last thing that I will say before I go is that the machine is not
> buried somewhere and still running.  And the prototype car was just junk
> that if I'm not mistaken was just hauled off and scrapped.  A lot of the
> information, documents, literature, and logs have been secured and will
> remain secure.  My dad has given me his wishes and his do's and don't from
> his death bed and I hope you can understand that.  I just really don't
> know who to trust.

Time waits for no one and I am very pleased you were kind enough to provide
the additional information.  The patent number would really be of great
benefit and I would urge you to think about all the good that could be done.

KeelyNet has been around now for 14 years, since 1988 and has a reputation
for trust and integrity which I have worked hard to maintain, do a search on
KeelyNet at any search engine and you will see MANY, MANY 'hits'.... goes up to 14,000 but others I have seen exceed 16, 
we have been around a long time and still not seen anything that is truly 
self-running...our goals are three fold, free energy, gravity control and 
electronic health (as with frequency, light and energy therapies applied to 
heal and/or rejuvenate the body).

We are currently working on two private projects, hopefully they will pan out
and if so, could provide research capital as your father's discovery has LONG 
been on the list.  And much additional information and theories of operation 
have been generated in hopes we can apply it in a duplication of your fathers 

Something to bear in mind...ALL DISCOVERIES result from simple basic
anomalies that the inventor noticed.  Now you can't patent or make money
from running a magnet past a coil of wire to generate a current, HOWEVER, if
you scale up the size of that coil and magnet, you now can produce
electricity to run a house.....

In Richard Clems case, the story I have been told is his simple
SERENDIPITOUS observation that;

1)  an asphalt sprayer that used melted asphalt to coat the streets would
continue to run once the power had been removed, but as the asphalt cooled
it became more viscous (sticky) and so the unique arrangement in that
machine could no longer overcome the increasing resistance, so it would
eventually stop

2)  the other story is similar and refers to high pressure pump operation
anomalies in a particular type of machine design

Our online files regarding Clem are;

#1 Original Clem file
#2 Updated Clem file

So it could also be incredibly useful to rediscover the BASIC EFFECT, not
the full scale engine, but what kind of equipment he was working with, what
he referenced (must have been patent or construction details for the asphalt
sprayer) and that could lead to an idea of his basic experiment which
convinced him to build his own version.

Also, if you could refute or verify each of the points mentioned in the
files above, that would be a great help to clear up the 2nd hand
information, since you were THERE......

Thank you again for the additional information and please think carefully
about what you hold in would be a big honor for your fathers
work to be verified and to see his name go down in the history books for
sweeping changes in science based on his discovery, not to mention the
possibility of tremendous income for the family trust if the process is
verified through R&D, investment is secured and the devices are placed on
the market.

We keep track of many, many technologies which either make claims or have
potential, four of the hottest at the moment are;

a self-running 1000 watt magnetic engine;
Lutec claimed self-running magnetic generator

a self-running battery supported unit but they are very secretive at this point;
Jasker claimed self-running thermodynamic machine

the MEG patents which claim more power out that in;
MEG article

and this intriguing email (with several update threads) from a friend in Japan;
Japanese Rod Power Generator

We have many, many contacts and associates around the world, scientists,
technicians, engineers, experimenters, theorists, you name it in many fields
who we are in contact well as a few investor groups.  We get on
average 600 'hits' per day and many emails asking for advice, information,
updates, offering ideas or theories (which so far have never panned out) or
providing new or updated information to be shared with the discussion list

public archive of KeelyNet Interact discussion list

or setup as a webpage and archived on KeelyNet.

So please think about it for a few days or a week, I think you have some
keys that could really make positive changes in the world and do great honor
to your father and family as well as probably become the next Microsoft of
energy.....the money isn't my primary goal but I understand your concerns
for safety and getting your fathers work out with some kind of return on his
and your families investment and sacrifices, his discovery could be used to 
do great good and open up incredible opportunities....thanks again!

> Thank you for your understanding and I want you to know that I have really
> enjoyed talking about this.  It has been kept quiet for so long.

This is the latest information and I am hoping Mr. Clem's daughter is considering releasing additional technical information in some form that her fathers work can be verified, vindicated and put into practical use. This file will be updated with any additional information as we might receive it from this unexpectedly surprising and delightful contact.

Additional information sent in on April 30th, 2002;

Subject: Richard Clem
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2002 14:08:34 -0500
From: ****
To: jdecker


About financial suppport;

>>> The guy that was helping with the financing was a Noble Starnes. Does that name sound familiar?

Photos and other material;

>>> I put so many of them in storage. I am in search of another family member that may have the majority of the pictures in storage. And I believe the movie reel. So many things were sent different directions for our safety and it is taking me a little longer to put my hands on them.

Do you know what year this TV coverage occurred, both Letterman and the local Dallas stations? It would help us try to get a copy of the footage which we could place as an .mpg file online.

>>> I will see what I can do.

About the patent number;

>>> It was under another name. Which I do not care to release at this time.

Richard CLEM - age 50 Birth Date: 30 Oct 1928 Death Date: May 1978 Social Security Number: 460-20-8591 State or Territory Where Number Was Issued: Texas Death Benefit Localities Zip Code: 75067 Localities: Double Oak, Denton, Texas Highland Village, Denton, Texas Lewisville, Denton, Texas

About Richard Clem's wishes with regard to his - do's and don't from his death bed;

>>> I will not make them public or share them with anyone, but it would help me get an idea of what his wishes are and what yours and the familys are today. He requested that I do not allow the government or whoever to buy all rights to place it on a shelf. He was into it for the welfare of the people. If I have to leave it in hiding forever I would not have a problem with that. But I do have someone in mind that I could trust and has the same type of mind that he had that could possibly get it to running and I am thinking about that.

About Richard Clems' SILVER KING EUONYMUS - Euonymus japonicus `Silver King`

>>> From what I understand Patents are a little different on plants because they can be restarted so easily. The Patent was good for 14 years and it was thru Monrovia Nursery. I believe that patent was in 1970 or 1971. Can't remember the date. Seems like after Daddy passed away we got money for about 4 years.


#1 - Original Clem file
#2 - Updated Clem information

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