October 22, 1992 ALEX.ASC -------------------------------------------------------------------- This file shared with KeelyNet courtesy of Ray Berry. The following is through a "channel", a discarnate entity speaking through a human agent. The validity of the information is at this time unproven to the best of our knowledge, but we present it as it was shared with us, in the hopes it might help jar loose one of those jigsaw puzzle pieces that help further our understanding. -------------------------------------------------------------------- PRESENT-DAY ELECTRICAL GENERATION & ITS EFFECT ON THE EARTH by Alexander One thing we want to mention is the way you currently generate and transmit electricity and its effect on the weather. The earth has an immune system, as a living organism, in the sense that it strives to maintain balance just as your body strives to maintain balance in all of its systems. The earth has to balance energy from two directions: one, from the cosmos, the sun being the principal energy, but there's all sorts of cosmic radiation. The second is energy arising from the earth; there are vibrational patterns, for instance in Southern California, which are highly unstable, and there are patterns in other areas of the earth that are sturdier. Weather - wind and precipitation - is the earth attempting to balance these combined energies and to diffuse them in a way that causes the least damage. A single bolt of lightning may strike a mountaintop, it will defuse this tremendous buildup of energy, which if permitted to sprinkle down like rain would fry a whole city. So the approach is to diffuse any potential danger to the creatures of the earth by spreading out the imbalances between the cosmic energy and the earth energy in the form of weather. You may have noticed that things are going a bit awry with the weather lately. Every winter seems to set new records for cold temperatures and summers set records for high temperatures. Storms of increasing frequency and severity, snowfall of unusual depth, drought; these are all reflections of the fact that the earth's immune system has been severely impaired by the way you transmit energy along high power lines, because the point where cosmic energy and earth energy meet in equal strength, which is where they blend, is between five and 25 feet from the earth's surface. So here is where the earth's immune system is meant to kick in and evaluate the pockets of unstable energy that are developing and to diffuse them through weather. This whole process has been severely disturbed because this is all electromagnetic energy coming from the sun, coming from the earth, and by stringing these high-power wires literally all over the earth's surface, even under the ocean, you create this barrier, this sizzling blockage to the earth's being able to truly evaluate what's going on and to take corrective action. So the way you generate electricity from, say, one power plant sending out energy for hundreds of miles, this system is severely disturbing the earth's immune system, its ability to maintain balance. As a result, it's going to have to be dismantled. Like anything, it can happen one of two ways. It can occur that you recognize that there's a violation occurring and you set about creating a system which relieves the violation or, failing that, you can have things collapse around you to the point that you are forced to abandon the path that violates the earth. It's not very likely that you would see utilities voluntarily going out of business and giving everyone solar panels to put on their roof. So what will happen, if this isn't addressed, is increasingly bizarre and unstable weather patterns which will increasingly affect food production. These disturbances will cause the appearance of insects which previously would have kept in a tightly controlled population, allowing them to explode in numbers. This is one example that we want to use for this process where you see something is a violation, you recognize it because there's a negative result accruing, and the question is, do you make the easy transition by saying, okay, we're violating the earth or we're violating some natural law, we need to bring this back into harmony. Or do you allow the system to continue, and then have something collapse with such tremendous force and serious effect that you have to pay attention? If the breadbasket of the country is suddenly unable to provide food, what do you do? We've mentioned that the current system of generating and supplying electricity will have to be abandoned in favor of local generation of energy at the community level or even at the level of each individual dwelling providing its own power. So you would have generation of electricity, then a greenbelt where there's no electrical generation so that cosmic energy can meet the earth energy unhindered and undisturbed. Imagine pinpricks of light, of electrical energy, in a sea of un-electrified country. You already have the technology, although it's crude, for generating electricity. This science, which is in its infancy, will evolve to a much more sophisticated level, and we suggest that it will largely use sound for electrical generation in the future. There exist blueprints in the realm of consciousness for mechanisms which have an automatic feedback loop contained in them so that more sound energy is created than was put in, so part of it will go back into simply feeding the machine to create the sound and the remainder can be captured and used as electricity. As this evolves, it will not be necessary for every house to be bristling on the roof with solar panels that cost a fortune. It will be something readily accessible to all regardless of the number of sunny and cloudy days because if you have a self-perpetuating feedback loop based on sound, rather than dependent on the weather, then you have an eternal supply of energy. * "The Alexander Journal", issued bimonthly, publishes material received from Alexander, a discarnate consciousness who channels through Ramon Stevens. First-class subscriptions are $12 per year; 3rd-class sub- scriptions are $10 per year (six issues). Inquire for foreign rates. A free brochure of Alexander books and tapes is available from RS Enterprises, PO Box 863, Ojai, CA 93024. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Vanguard Notes The gist of this paper is that modification of weather patterns is due to the energy grids established by power lines. The source claims that cosmic energy meets earth energy at a zone ranging from 5 to 25 feet above the surface of the earth. This is where the energy blends and is diffused by the earth through normal "healthy" weather patterns. Suprisingly enough, this supports the concept of cascading flows of Aether which pass into the neutral centers of mass and serve to sustain or dissolve matter. The idea is that harmonic or enharmonic energy is emitted by the mass or the energy matrix which forms the mass and interacts with the inflowing Aether to "create" the multiplicity of subsidiary energies and effects we perceive as gravity, magnetism, electricity, light, heat, sound, physical vibration and "static" mass aggregations. In the case of cosmic energy per se, the frequencies involved are already below the ability to generate gravity, magnetism or electricity THROUGH DIVISION, however, it is still possible to up the frequencies by a proper infusion of phased and energetic frequencies. So, the concept presented in this paper seems to have some merit. If there is truly a "blending" of energy at this zone, then it should be measurable by using a power grid as a reference and looking for a disparity of potential or other anomaly from the background energy level. We await your comments. --------------------------------------------------------------------