Circuit for 90% Efficiency Lighting! - 02/17/97

The ** APRIL 1997 ** Popular Electronics has an article on this amazing claim. Does it have F/E applications to kick an already high efficiency circuit over the unity edge?

90% Efficiency Lighting a Joke? - 03/22/97

The April 1997 Popular Electronics published an article about a circuit which would reduce lighting costs to a 90% Efficiency. This was highly suspect because of the time of the year (April Fools) and the radical, out of the blue claim, as well as the method claimed to produce this effect. The following email is the first regarding this as being a hoax or possibly an intentional scam....Jerry
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 1997 23:26:14 -0500
To: Jerry Decker
From: Felix Su
Subject: Re: APS lighting (90% efficiency)

Hi Jerry,

Yes, unfortunately. It was not an April Fool's joke.

Geet Management signed a deal without testing the circuit.

Just before showing it at a symposium, they got the module and test equipment (ammeter, volt meter, and resistance) and finally tested it in operation and found out it used 150% of the electricity of a normal 100W bulb!

They called Steven Rosenberg to see if they connected it properly and he admitted that his invention didn't work!

I really hate it when people try to scam other people.

Thank god, Paul Pantone (Geet Management) didn't give him an advance.


The following is a clarification of how the measurement was made that determined the circuit to be 150% efficient.

Date: Mon, 24 Mar 1997 10:40:19 -0500
To: Jerry Decker
From: Felix Su
Subject: Re: APS lighting (90% efficeincy)

Hi Jerry,

To clarify the 90% light bulb circuit.

Apparently if you measure the electricity usage at the light bulb there is a 90% savings in electricy.

However, since there is also an electronic control module involved, it also has to be measured.

When the measurement is taken at the module the electricity usage goes up to 150% (this is including the light bulb). - Felix