Peace Corps Low-Tech Survival Kit - 11/30/97

Years ago, I heard the Peace Corps had developed a 'survival kit' that contained information in the form of microfilms and a manual microfilm viewer that could be illuminated by candles or sunlight, all in a single portable case.

The microfilm reels in this kit presented proven, low tech solutions to all kinds of information that would be necessary to re-establish the basic life requirements for any community suffering from a catastrophe. I was told the kit sold for about $600.00.

These microfilms provided various methods for purifying water, basic agriculture, basic health, housing construction and other life sustaining technologies, again as low-tech as possible, based on the probability most technology would not be available or operable.

It seems like something that every community or group should have. We won't always have technology such as computers and this would provide a form of archival insurance to help in case of catastrophe.

If you might know about this, how and where to order, how much, etc., please EMAIL this information to me so that we can post it and distribute to other networks who would find it useful. Thanks!!!

Here it IS!!

From: David Book
To: Jerry Decker
Date: Mon, 1 Dec 1997 17:16:32 -0500
Subject: your info request

Hi Jerry:

Hope all goes well with you. This might be what you are looking for:

Appropriate Technology Library
An AT Library for your desktop!

The most comprehensive, practical, and economical Appropriate Technology reference collection ever compiled. 138,650 pages from 1000 books and documents on microfiche at 5% of the original book cost. At the tip of your fingers information on agricultural tools and techniques, crop storage, water supply, forestry, aqua-culture, improved cookstoves, solar/wind/water power, biogas, transportation, health care, communications, small industries, and all other small scale technology topics.

"If you work overseas, you need this book and the library." - Whole Earth Catalog

Microfiche Library (BK800) $895
Economy Microfiche Reader (BK801) $225
Deluxe Microfiche Reader (BK802) $350

This is from Jade Mountain's online catalog at
The appropriate technology books are at

They also have their catalog online as a 5.9 meg .pdf file.

You need a high octane system to get Adobe's Acrobat Reader to easily handle a file that size.

Personally, I like the hard copy version of their catalog.

They have been around since 1986, selling appropriate technology tools and books to third world countries and others off the grid.

Much of what they sell might well be very useful resources to have on hand when the doodah hits the fan earth-change-wise.

David Book

Thanks David!!