Artificial Cyclones to clear Smog - 11/15/97

From: Jim Shaffer, Jr.
To: Jerry Decker
Subject: Fw: artificial cyclone technology
Date: Fri, 14 Nov 1997 19:29:47 -0500

From: Orion Johnson
Subject: artificial cyclone technology
Date: Thursday, November 13, 1997 5:59 PM

I recieved this e-mail in a news service e-mail - 04:51 AM ET 11/12/97 - The following is an excerpt...

Malaysia to use Russian ``cyclones'' to clear smog

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 12 (Reuters)

Malaysia said on Wednesday it will use Russian ``artificial cyclone'' technology to try to clear smog caused by forest fires in neighbouring Indonesia.

The tropical Southeast Asian country has already sent firemen to Indonesia to help douse the flames and tried cloud-seeding to induce rain to clear the smog.

But the fires are still blazing, although the wind has taken the smoke away from parts of Malaysia and from Singapore in recent days.

Experts said on Tuesday the main pollution on Indonesia's Borneo Island was now coming from fire in a huge area of peat covering about a million hectares (2.5 million acres) that the government has been draining for a massive rice- planting project.

Malaysian Science, Technology and Environment Minister Law Hieng Ding said the government would soon sign an agreement with a Russian government-owned firm to introduce technology to clear the smog.

``It can create artificial cyclones which can clear the haze... The artificial cyclones will bring rain,'' he told reporters after the weekly Cabinet meeting.

But Law declined to give details of the technology, apart from saying that satellites would be used and that the Russians had used the method successfully.

``Cloud-seeding is very tedious and costly compared to it (the Russian method),'' Law said.
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