The lyghtforce server went down from a series of problems. It affected dozens if not hundreds of other sites on the server. There was nothing remotely spooky about it, as in suppression, etc, etc..

Since Chuck and I both have our primary email addresses at, when the server went down so did our emails, which is why your emails were being refused or reflected, meaning we had to resort to and yahoo. My yahoo is and Chuck also has an alternate of

However as of Friday 05/12/00, KeelyNet is again online as is our resident email.

The discussion list is still being worked on and will be up again as soon as it is stable.

The Lee Crock page was updated to reflect the 3VDC battery arrangement based on the actual machine he loaned us rather than the 1.5VDC stated in the patent. We are still gathering anecdotal information about its results and there is a fellow in Missouri who is manufacturing them with Lee's permission, we will post that information shortly for those who might want to buy a prebuilt unit rather than build their own.

Thanks for all the concerned emails!