Download AOL Instant Messenger Free!

AOL is great to invite people TO JOIN YOU in GROUP chat if they happen to be online, it's easy, just click and follow the instructions, setup a buddy list of people you want to be notified about, we can even do a name list if you want to locate someone so you can communicate privately between you & your buddy. Jerry Decker uses the name Keelyman on AOL Instant Messenger, ping if you want to do a live chat publicly or privately about something SPECIFIC.

Click HERE to enter KeelyNet Chatroom.

KeelyNet Chat Schedule - 06/12/98 - Preferred Topic from 8PM to 10PM


Free Energy - various approaches


Gravity Control - various approaches


Health/Rejuvenation - electronic & otherwise


New Age Technology - pyramids/crystals/mandalas


Time/Space/Dimensions - correlations


Aether/ZPE - ideas & theories


Paranormal - psi/radionics/related

Chat rooms are inherently disorganized though generally devoted to a topic.

In the case of the KeelyNet Chat, it has been noticed that it is hard to interphase with others interested in the same subjects, they are of course, often diverse. To let people know WHEN to meet for specific discussions, this format is being tried.

To remedy the situation, Fred Epps suggested we setup a schedule, so here is the first draft. Please email your suggestions for changes or improvements.

Due to the differences across the world, it was brought up that folks in other countries could not be available for the TOPIC CHAT times posted as 8PM to 10PM Central Standard Time (CST).

The problem also includes Australia/New Zealand which is about 12 hours off from Central Standard Time. In an attempt to alleviate this problem, we'll try for two chat sessions per day on a given topic and space 6 hours apart, so for people in the UK and Spain