Why get a Patent?

From: "Davidson, Dan"
Subject: Keelylabs
Date: Fri, 21 Feb 1997 12:59:43 -0700

Hi Jerry,

Great idea. It has one fatal flaw. The US Patent system is set up such that if you or I or anyone do not get a patent on something we discover/invent then someone else can file and get one and they WILL own the patent and all it implies.

To get around this you should apply for a patent on the device (free energy or whatever) and simultaneously publicize the info so the government can't stop the info with a security label on the patent.

When Keelylabs gets the patent, license it for some nominal fee. This makes it easily available to everyone AND provides a self-sustaining source of income.

The patent, if written properly, can convey all the facts and enough detail to build the device. That way it becomes another vehicle for getting the info out.

For this very reason I would be reluctant to subscribe because you are opening up a whole can of worms by ostensibly trying to give the information away when in fact there would be those who would take the info and own it!

I have looked into patent law extensively. It has been deliberately set up this way to obviate what you are trying to do and provide a loophole for the finks to still own the new technologies.

How do you think you would fare against a gaggle of lawyers from some trillion dollar oil company that decided to make a few small changes to Keelylab ideas and patent them.

These big companies get "improvements" on patents all the time and they could tie the whole thing up in the courts till they had milked every dime out of the idea.

Now, if you follow my suggestion then this opens up another can of worms.

That is, how does Keelylabs assign ownership to a patent. Does the membership own it? What, who, etc? There are ways around this but I am not a lawyer and you should probably consult one on this.

Also, when you do this it begins to look like an IPO (initial public offering) of a stock and several free energy devices have fallen by the wayside because the SEC put them out of business. Talk to a lawyer!

One route is to set up a non-profit research foundation. Then subscriptions and donations are tax deductible. In this mode you can publicize the info and the patent thing may go away.

At a minimum, it insulates you from the ownership issue since the whole non- profit Keelylab idea would be to publicize the inventions and ideas on a free basis.

Another is to set up a stock company. "The Keely Motor Company" resurrection only this time do it as a limited stock offering (ie, as a limited partnership). This way "investors" own a piece of the company but don't have a voice in how the money is spent.

It takes money to do this as you will probably need to hire someone to set up the limited partnership.

The big advantage to this is it appeals to the speculators that would put in a few thousand just as a lark on the off chance that Keelylabs made it happen.

Jerry - I share your frustration on this and have thought all these things out long ago. One of the reasons I have never tied myself up with a group is for all the above reasons.

I can control my own show but everytime I have gotten into a group thing to make something happen it has come to naught. By doing my own thing I answer only to God (and Jeanine of course when the experiment costs more than a few hundred dollars).

Another reason that these new technologies have not come out yet is maybe its not time. If you think polution is bad along the freeway what do you think it would be like if all the people have a grav car and dump their garbage everywhere?

With free energy and gravity control we need several other technologies. Aetheralization/demateralization is one good one.

Instead of a garbage can each house has an aetherealizer that returns unwanted crud back to primal energy (i.e., the aether.)

I think we are obviously getting close to critical mass what with all the OUO patents and info hitting the networks in the past five years. Part of the reason has to do with momentum.

There is a critical amount of energy needed to make anything happen. You can easily pull a kilogram weight across the room but a 1000 kilo weight. You may have the energy necessary to pull it once you get it started but the initial inertia is too big to start it moving.

Keep up the good fight. ---- Dan Davidson