Q-Link Bio-Magnetic Intensifier


DAMARK (800) 827-6767 August 1996 catalog has a strange device called a Q- Link which is claimed to optimize the body energy field. The ad reads as follows; Enhance your Body's Natural Energy with the Q-Link Pendant The Q-Link pendant actually tunes into your unique bio-magnetic energy field and, after 14 to 21 days of self-programming, may begin to strengthen, balance and ehnance your natural energy. The VLSI Transponder Induction Coil Antenna and transducer-chip software is designed to pick pu, clarify and refine the entire frequency spectrum of the human bio-magnetic energy field. The encoded proprietary Phase Resonance Software is designed to amplify and integrate the natural human bio-magnetic energy field. Some of the reported benefits of this revolutionary device include enhanced energy , less stress, greater athletic performance - and protection from the EMFs (electromagnetic fields) that we encounter daily through computers, televisions, etc. Water resistant, the Q-Link constantly fine-tunes itself to harmonically resonate your unique energy signal. Item No. B-5763-485418 S/H Code B Compare at $129.95 Price for non-members $99.99 Page 46