______________________________________________________________________________ | File Name : PAVLITA2.ASC | Online Date : 12/19/95 | | Contributed by : Bill Beaty | Dir Category : BIOLOGY | | From : KeelyNet BBS | DataLine : (214) 324-3501 | | KeelyNet * PO BOX 870716 * Mesquite, Texas * USA * 75187 | | A FREE Alternative Sciences BBS sponsored by Vanguard Sciences | | InterNet email jdecker@keelynet.com (Jerry Decker) | | Files also available at Bill Beaty's http://www.eskimo.com/~billb | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| This is an interesing file on the psychotronic generator research of the late Robert Pavlita. These devices are specific geometries which serve as waveguides for subtle energies. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Return-Path: ; Sat, 16 Dec 1995 16:08:19 +1000 Date: Sat, 16 Dec 1995 16:08:19 +1000 To: jdecker@keelynet.com (Jerry Decker ) From: jfrancis@peg.apc.org (Jim Francis) Subject: Re: Pavlita/Psychotronic Generator >You wrote: >> >> Jerry, >> I have been trying to follow up that data you have on Pavlita on Keelynet >> but it is out of date. >> Have you any current addresses or info on the people who are promoting > the Pavlita concepts? >> Would really appreciate some help - have spent dozens of hours on the > net trying to achieve results. >> Cheers >> Jim Francis >> > Hi Jim! I never made contact with the group though I heard they were > starting some kind of institute of something to preserve and continue > the research...he had children who surely are involved in it, a > daughter as I remember...I'll look around and post back anything I find > to you..... Thanks Jerry...your keelynet article sparked my interest I've got a bit of material on Pavlita ....see 2 page report below. Look forward to hearing from you if you can track down that group. Jim Francis ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .......................................... THE EXTRAORDINARY PSYCHOTRONIC GENERATOR .......................................... copyright - Australian Lateral Tbinking Newsletter "All living things are filled with a type of energy that until recently wasn't known to Western science. This psychotronic energy seems to be responsible for psychokinetic effects. A device has been discovered which collects this energy from a person, stores it, then releases it on demand. It has been used to power a small electric motor." This idea of a bio-energy is not new. The ancient Chinese knew about it - they called it VITAL ENERGY. The Hindus called it PRANA. The Polynesian Huna people called it MANA. Currently the Soviets refer to it as BIOPLASMIC ENERGY and the Czechoslovakian Scientists (where the generator was "re- discovered") call it PSYCHOTRONIC ENERGY. It was suspected that such an energy existed for some time but it wasn't until the Russians invented the KIRLIAN PHOTOGRAPHIC PROCESS that this strange energy could actually be observed. The secrets of the Psychotronic generator were discovered in a strange manner. Robert Pavlita was the design director of a large Czech textile plant and patented the design for a new textile process. The royalties from the successful application of his process were substantial and enabled him to spend more time on his hobby which was metallurgy and the search for information on the fabled psychotronic devices. He apparently spent years searching the archives of Czech libraries and eventually stumbled on the information he needed in the form of manuscripts which hadn't been researched for centuries. Pavlita found that by combining various metals and making them to a critical shape, he could manufacture devices which would store bio-energy for a specific purpose. He has even used specially treated wood. After 30 years of experimenting Pavlita's work came to the attention of the Hradec Kralove University Physics department who decided to do some tests. An electric motor was set up with a free-spinning device attached to it. Pavlita's generator was placed next to the motor. Pavlita focussed his mental energy on his generator and the free-spinning attachment on the motor slowed to a stand-still. As he continued to focus on his generator the attachment proceeded to spin backwards, against the thrust of the motor spindle. The university tested Pavlita for 2 years and concluded that an unknown form of energy was involved and that there was definitely no fraud involved. This "stored" PK energy is not new. In the 1921 July 30th edition of the British medical magazine Lancet it was reported that a Dr. Charles Russ showed the ophthalmic Congress at Oxford an apparatus that caused a solenoid to move by merely gazing at it. There have been many others since this but it was left to Pavlita to commercialise the process and apply for patents. It was found that this psychotronic energy could be transferred from humans to inert materials such as paper, wood, silk, etc. And this energy was clearly not electrostatic in nature because it worked just as well under water! It was this last feature that caused the Iron Curtain scientists to sit up and take notice. The Czech Scientists believe that everyone has psychic abilities, but they are blocked by our belief system, so that most of the time we are unaware of them. To cause them to work we need something to evoke these hidden abilities which is apparently what the psychotronic generators do. The psychotronic generators which Pavlita has built apparently resemble spare parts from the movie 2001! They come in all shapes and sizes, each being designed for a specific purpose. And strangely enough some of them closely resemble "ancient ritual artifacts" displayed in museums around the world! (Think about that one!!) The method of making them work is to simply focus your gaze and "stare" at them. After several minutes sufficient "charge"is stored for the device to be able to perform usefully. One of the devices he built looks like a cross between a "magic wand" and a fat screwdriver. When it is "charged" it attracts all sorts of small non- magnetic objects in the same way that an electrostatically charged object does ....except.........it works under water!!! No electrostatically charged device will work in a moist atmosphere, let alone under water. When you brush your hair in a very dry atmosphere, you will probably notice - or hear - an electrical discharge. This is caused by the build-up of an electrostatic charge. A psychotronic charge appears to work on an entirely different principle. The Czechoslovakian Academy of Science had mathematicians, physicists, electronics experts and electro-physiologists all investigate the generators while the devices were shielded against air currents, static electricity, magnetic fields and temperature changes. They still worked despite all possible precautions against extraneous effects. The well known Czech mathematician and physicist Dr. Julias Krmessky made the following comment: "The radiation goes right through glass, water, wood, cardboard and even iron. It's strength does not diminish at all and furthermore the mind seems to control this energy. Experiments were done with seeds. Psychotronic energy almost doubled the growth rate of seeds in some of the scientific experiments. A further demonstration was done with polluted water. Application of psychotronic energy caused the impurities to drop out of the water and it was left reasonably pure. Chemical analysis found that there was a change in the actual molecular structure of the water itself. The two hydrogen atoms had spread further apart. The energy does not appear to originate from the brain or any one organ in the body. It appears to originate from a persons entire Life-Field as photographed by a Kirlian Camera. Tests with EEG machines on people who are in the process of "charging" these generators indicate an unusual brain-wave pattern. The only dominant physical effect noticed is that the charging process doesn't work so well if the person is tired. The psychotronic generator that was designed to power up a small electric motor required an initial "charge" of half an hour then only a few minutes a day. The electric motor apparently ran continuously for 50 hours. A special generator was built to test the effect on the human brain. Pavlita's daughter Jana was the subject. The generator was directed at Jana's head and the EEG monitor attached to her indicated a sudden change in brain-wave activity. Jana became dizzy and her spatial orientation was affected. These generators were mentioned on an Australian SBS TV documentary a couple of years ago. (Secrets of the Russian Psychics). Apparently one had been used in an attempt to give a well known Russian leader a heart attack. It was only partly successful because the well publicized heart attack was only a minor one. Experiments were done with other living organisms. Snails subjected to psychotronic energy withdrew into their shells and went into a state similar to hibernation. A doughnut shaped generator was found to kill flies, placed inside it, instantly. There seems to be unlimited use for this new (?) energy. The critical thing about these devices is apparently the shape and form. The smaller devices collect and store personal PK energy. But experiments with larger ones indicate that they might well store some form of unknown cosmic energy. The scientists investigating these devices consider that a pyramid is a large cosmic psychotronic generator. One of Pavlita's favourite demonstrations is to place a sheet of glass on a stand and scatter magnetic fragments over the glass. He then places a powerful horseshoe magnet under the glass and demonstrates how he can move the magnetic chips about with this magnet. Next he uses a psychotronic generator that looks like a rectangular ball-point pen to pick up the chips on the glass. They attach themselves to the tip of the generator which is able to overcome the magnetic force from the magnet underneath the glass to pick up these chips. Then he demonstrates the same thing with the whole apparatus under water!!! The Czech Scientists think this energy might be the same force that allows psychic healers to remove a person's health problems and to allow people like Uri Geller to cause mung beans to sprout while held in the palm of their hands. They also think it is responsible for the way world famous PK expert Nelya Mikhailova is able to move small objects at a distance. (This was also shown on the SBS TV documentary). However the bottom line to all this is that these psychotronic devices are not new. They appear to have been around for thousands of years. It was left to Robert Pavlita to "re-discover" them by searching thru ancient manuscripts, some apparently over 400 years old! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------