March 11, 1990 OZONEAID.ASC ----------------------------------------------------------------- OZONE STOPS AIDS Ozone Blood Treatment Cures Aids Victims In Germany. No Mention in US Media Dr. Horst Keif is curing AIDS victims in the Munich area of West Germany, by hyper-oxygenating their blood with ozone, which destroys the AIDS virus on contact. The same basic process appears to be also effective against hepatitis, herpes, the Epstein Barr Virus and the cytomegalovirus, as well as providing a simple method of purifying stored blood and blood components, and pre- oxygenating blood to be transfused. Some of the medical uses of ozone have been appreciated for years in Europe and elsewhere, but it's still relatively unknown in the US. The treatment itself is remarkably simple. The ozone is produced by forcing oxygen through a metal tube carrying a 300- volt charge. A pint of blood is drawn from the patient and placed in an infusion bottle. The ozone is then forced into the bottle and thoroughly mixed in by shaking gently, whereupon the blood turns bright cardinal red. As the ozone molecules dissolve into the blood they give up their third oxygen atom, releasing considerable energy which inactivates all lipid-envelope viruses while leaving blood cells unharmed. Ozone overcomes AIDS virus by a fundamentally different process than usually attempted with drugs. Instead of burdening the liver and immune system with more elaborate toxic substances, ozone simply oxidizes the molecules in the shell of the virus, rendering it incapable of spreading. It also oxygenates the blood to a greater degree than is usually reached, what with poor air and sluggish breathing habits. The treated blood is then given back to the patient. This treatment is given from twice a week to twice a day, depending on how advanced the disease is. The strengthened blood confers some of its virucidal properties to the rest of the patient's blood as it disperses. The disease will not return, as long as the patient maintains his blood in an oxygen-positive state, through proper breathing, exercise, and clean diet. The major US news sources and most of the medical establishment seems to be ignoring this line of research. Meanwhile hundreds of millions are being spent to "try and find a cure", which supposedly won't be available for years, if ever. Once AIDS is diagnosed, "it means death" insists AMA president Dr. John J. Coury. "There is no cure...and no immunization." (Mtry Herald 2/27/87) He also mentioned that each case brings the medical industry another $40,000 to $150,000, or 40 to 150 million bucks off every thousand victims. Of course, that's totally unconnected with the AMA's silence about the AIDS cases cured with ozone. Apparently the lone exception to the medical establishment's overall disinterest in this promising breakthrough, is the FDA approval of the Medizone Company's tests on ozone blood treatment. The NY-based company obtained an IND (Investigative New Drug) Approval for ozone, which falls under the heading of drugs even though it isn't. Their recently completed animal tests have demonstrated no indication of toxicity, at ten times the equivalent amount that is proposed for human treatment. Medizone was granted US Patent # 4,632,980 on December 30, 1986, on "inactivating lipid-envelope viruses in blood that is returned to a mammalian host." In humans, this includes AIDS, herpes, hepatitis, Epstein Barr virus, and cytomegalovirus. Medizone now has FDA approval to begin human testing around the end of April 1987. All this has been with virtually no publicity, because the accepted procedure for publishing medical breakthroughs is to complete all the tests first, even though victims may die waiting for the cautious, methodical testing procedure to run its course. No one in the industry wants to raise false hopes, let alone repeat the medical disasters that have resulted in the past, from rushing approval on new treatments. On the other hand, the drug AZT was widely publicized for many months before it was approved in the US, as is ongoing research into possible AIDS vaccines. The difference is that ozone offers an actual cure, and it's cheap. AZT does not cure but only buys time, and is expected to cost $10,000 per patient per year, bringing the Burroughs-Wellcome Company up to $300 million, from the 30,000 reported AIDS cases. Only a few independent physicians in the US are already applying this discovery to their patients. Most hesitate to publicize their work because of the FDA's track record of attacking anyone promoting treatments that haven't been approved, or that don't profit the existing medical industries. Early reports suggest that drinking and bathing in a diluted hydrogen peroxide solution can produce results similar to ozone blood treatment. The principle is the same; peroxide is just water molecules with extra oxygen atoms, and it kills the virus by oxidation as it spreads through the patient's tissues. This offers a possible home treatment, as no blood needs to be drawn, and hydrogen peroxide is cheap and plentiful. Keep it diluted though; in high concentrations it can irritate sensitive skin and induce vomiting when ingested. The proper dosage has not yet been established, so do-it-yourselfers are advised to proceed cautiously and with the assistance of a freethinking physician. This is as good a place as any for the FDA-required disclaimer: "Information given here is for research and educational purposes only and is not intended to prescribe treatment." Dr. Terry McGrath at Medizone confirmed that hydrogen peroxide would in principle act much like ozone in destroying the AIDS virus, but pointed out that it's never likely to be tested and proven in the laboratory. There's simply no economic incentive, since it's an unpatentable process and offers no more commercial returns than most other natural remedies. So it's up to individual patients and concerned citizens to push these options out into the open, immediately, before various companies get too financially committed to the assumption that AIDS will continue to spread and to be incurable. Further information sources: Rex Research (PO Box 1258, Berkeley, CA. 94701) has five folios on Ozone Therapy: #4 ($2, 10pp) is specifically on ozone treatment of AIDS: see also #1, Ozone vs A wide variety of conditions ($6, 55pp) ; #2, Ozone vs Herpes, hepatitis, rheumatic diseases, also dental use ($4, 29pp) : #3, cardiovascular, Ozone enrichment of blood prior to transfusion ($4, 23pp) and Ozone vs Cancer ($6, 55pp). The International Ozone Association (83 Oakwood Ave, Norwalk, CT. 06850; 1-203-847-8169) publishes extensive material on medical uses of ozone. Hansler ozone generators will be available to licensed physicians through Medizone International. 123 East 54th St. Suite 2B, NY, NY 10022; 1-212-421-0303. Biozon Technik Co. in Bad Hersfeld, Federal Republic of Germany, also makes ozone generators for medical use. Reprinted from NOW WHAT, issue one, March-April 1987; $2/issue, $10/yr. c/o Waves Forest, PO Box 768, Monterey, CA. 93942 USA Uncopyrighted 1987, no rights reserved: reprint and distribute freely. The IBOM non-profit group is located out of Fort Worth, Texas and actively works with almost 100 physicians across the US and in Europe. Their research covers all phases of oxidative treatments. IBOM = International Bio-Oxidative Medicine Foundation. They sponsor an excellent conference each year and offer a special lecture for the lay public. Personal experience with this group shows a dedication and sharing which all people should emulate. -----------------------------------------------------------------