December 7, 1990 MIND5.ASC -------------------------------------------------------------------- this information courteously provided to KeelyNet by Mark McCloud and Cheyenne Turner -------------------------------------------------------------------- taken from the article Geophysical Variables and Behaviour: XXXIX Alterations in Imaginings and Suggestibility During Brief Magnetic Field Exposures by Christine F. DeSano and M. A. Persinger at Laurentian University originally in Perceptual Motor Skills, 1987 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Male and female subjects were exposed to alternating magnetic fields of 1 and 4 Hertz which were applied across their mid-superior Temporal lobes. In addition, a green light was pulsed in phase with the magnetic field while the participant was instructed to imagine an encounter with an alien. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Rostral (at nose level) to the upper half of the ear, retractable arms were placed, each containing a 25 CM (1 CM diameter) soft iron nail wrapped (1050 turns) with insulated wire (20 gauge). A function generator was used to drive the solenoids with sine wave current at either 1 HZ or 4 HZ. Magnetic field intensity was about 15 GAUSS at the skull surface. Field strength measured at the temporal cortex was 2 GAUSS. Maximum field strength as measured at the level of the frontal lobes was 200 MGAUSS (a 10 factor decrease). At the level of the hippocampus, field strength was 500 MGAUSS. All subjects generated elaborate imaginings when exposed to a green light flashing in sync with the driven solenoids. 4 HZ field imaginings included a sensation of rising or floating. The end result of the experiment was that hypnotic susceptibility may be increased following magnetic-field exposure but that the most effective frequency is different for each sex. The quantity of imagery generated (particular the floating sensations) INCREASED if the person observed a light flashing in sync with a 4 HZ applied magnetic field. Most interesting of all was that the magnetic field strengths were MUCH LESS than those expected to occur in NATURAL SETTINGS. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Vanguard Notes.. OMNI writer Dennis Stacy did an article on Persinger's research in December of 1988 (I think). It relates the UFO encounter phenomenon and how it could quite possibly be INDUCED by alternating magnetic fields of relatively low intensity. As I remember the article, Persinger was using a football helmet with multiple solenoids placed in a grid and supported over the skull. When the helmet was driven by a computer as a peripheral device (a printer), various patterns (characters) could be projected onto the brain of the subject to induce various effects. If any of our KeelyNet associates come across this article, we would appreciate a copy or uploading of the text that we might annotate and included it in a text file. --------------------------------------------------------------------