Degaussing for Pain Control - 12/31/97

Date: Wed, 31 Dec 1997 09:24:03 -0500
From: Anonymous (private experimenter)
Subject: My Experience in Bio-Magnetics...
To: Jerry Decker

Hi Jerry,

We chatted some months ago about the Muller o/u machine and I thank you for your information. Now I would like to share some info with you.

Another "experimenter" asked me to do some more work with Bio-Magnetics. Specifically, magnets to ease pain....being my elder he suffers more joint pain than I do, but I have my share also.

He has been using ferrous magnets to ease hand and wrist pain. I too, suffer the old keyboard syndrome. On returning home, I dug out some of the magnets I was using on my Newman's o/u machine and tried placing them close to my wrist. After some hours the pain did seem to subside somewhat.....

Being a student of instant gratification, I began looking for a faster way. I dug up one of the Thumpers I built some months ago and tried that. Not much change. (not instantaneously anyway...) Then it occurred that I might try the Radio Shack audio tape degausser I had in my shop.


Almost instant and sustained relief.... Not to be fooled by psychosomatic relief, I waited till the next day to retry. To my surprise I awoke with almost no pain. Later, when the pain became noticeable, I applied the degausser again. Same positive results.

My wife suffers severe hip pain in the evenings and I talked her into trying it out before bedtime.....Yep....not total, but, to quote her, "about one tenth of the pain it had been." Next day my shoulders began hurting due to long hours at the desk and I tried an old TV CRT degausser. Same results...

Instant and sustained pain relief. The wife (now believing that I'm not as crazy as she had thought) asked to have the audio degausser applied to her shoulder, which had been quite painful for several days..... Once again, instant relief which lasted all day and didn't came back.

I am offering this to anyone who would like to try it and see if it works as well for them......

I'd like nothing better than to put a bunch of medical doctors out of business.....

They just can't understand non-invasive, non-narcotic pain relief..

PS: Will let you know how the Newman machine works out. Just came across some innovations in improving it's operation. Also, plan on trying to work some of the bugs out of Tesla's notes that have survived.

I have always admired his work and hope he will eventually get the recognition he so richly deserves.....

Also, have built one of the "Experimental Bio-Electric Machines" you posted 10/21/97. So far the results have been more along the lines of stress and tight muscle relief as opposed to relief from Bio-Organism invasion.... All results have been very positive....More later.....

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