February 22, 1992 CURIO1.ASC -------------------------------------------------------------------- This file is shared with KeelyNet courtesy of Tom Brown, Director of Borderland Sciences. The Journal of Borderland Sciences has been in active publication since 1945. It is an excellent quarterly magazine with subscribers worldwide. If you might like to subscribe, please mention that you heard of Borderland from either Vangard Sciences or KeelyNet. Yearly subscriptions are $20. Borderland Sciences P.O. Box 429 Garberville, CA 95440-0429 USA -------------------------------------------------------------------- BSRF - Sep/Oct 1968 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Vanguard Note... The following file is a most curious bit of information we found in the Journal of Borderland Research. It describes a strange phenomenon relating to the spinning of a magnet when suspended over a painful area. There is a possibility that some form of vortex is being projected and picked up by the magnet. As the magnet intercepts the vortex, it helps to dissipate the accumulation of energy which causes the pain and stops its spinning when that point is reached. We would greatly appreciate any experiments you might perform in this area since it could very well benefit a lot of people. Thanks. -------------------------------------------------------------------- The Balancing Effect of Carbon and Magnet "Here's something interesting to report using a COPPER-COATED CARBON ROD and a big, 15-3/4 pound magnet, with an average Gauss of 2000. It cost me $7.50 at a surplus store on Canal St. in New York. I suspended the magnet on a short cord with a loop so that it would fit easily over my hand while holding it. "A woman aged 46 had an ovary removed about 8-9 years ago and has had trouble with the remaining ovary ever since. At the beginning of menstrual cycles, she would double up with sharp, shooting, excruciating pains in the remaining ovary area, not each time but many times. She had such pains last night and being a good friend of the gal I chum around with, we visited her with the magnet and carbon rod to ask her if she would be gamr to try something, no results guaranteed. When I told her what our plans were she looked insulted! She said it seemed silly and unworkable but she had nothing to lose, except maybe part of the pain! So we tried it, following along the lines suggested by the Goeke Article. I placed the carbon rod against her back in the approximate position of the remaining ovary, then suspended the magnet over her lower abdominal area about six inches above the skin. It remained MOTIONLESS for about 20 seconds or so, THEN BEGAN SPINNING SLOWLY CLOCKWISE, then PICKED UP SPEED VERY RAPIDLY until it was really moving, much like a rotating wheel on an axle. I certainly did not expect this, so stopped the movement manually with my other hand. It soon STARTED UP AGAIN on this time I let it go. It stopped in about 1/2 minute OF ITS OWN ACCORD. I then took the cord but the magnet remained motionless this time. In about 10 seconds or so it began a slight movement which evolved into a rather large circle, about six inches across, and this swinging was in a counter-clockwise direction, exactly the opposite of the rapid spinning motion just preceding it! "It STOPPED OF ITS OWN ACCORD IN ABOUT A MINUTE or so and I took the magnet away. We were so busy talking about the peculiar motion of the magnet we forgot all about what we had come there for! I then asked the woman how she felt and the way she said, "I don't feel a thing" made me think she had suddenly gone numb! I asked her again about the pain and then she said what she meant was that she couldn't feel any pain anyone. She got up and moved around a bit but still couldn't find any trace of pain in that area. I asked her to concentrate on that area and the pain that had been there, but even this didn't bring it back; nor did various body motions that varied the pressure in that area. All this last night and the pain hasn't returned as of this afternoon the following day, and her flow is fuller than usual. "What all this means I'm sure I don't know as this was my first experience with a magnet and carbon rod. Such a thing may never happen again. What puzzles me most is the RAPID SPINNING ACTION of the magnet, as this sort of thing wasn't discussed as a possibility in the Goeke article. Let me know if you would like a sample copper-coated carbon rod." N.R., New York --------------------------------------------------------------------