______________________________________________________________________________ | File Name : CANCDIAB.ASC | Online Date : 09/19/95 | | Contributed by : Mike Hughes | Dir Category : BIOLOGY | | From : KeelyNet BBS | DataLine : (214) 324-3501 | | KeelyNet * PO BOX 870716 * Mesquite, Texas * USA * 75187 | | A FREE Alternative Sciences BBS sponsored by Vanguard Sciences | | InterNet www.keelynet.com email jdecker@keelynet.com (Jerry Decker) | | Files also available at Bill Beaty's http://www.eskimo.com/~billb | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| For years I have been looking for some kind of cure or treatment for diabetes because I have several friends who suffer greatly from this affliction. The closest I had come to something that might work was in experiments with high intensity colored lights, called Chromotherapy, done by Dinshah Ghadiali in the early 30's. Dinshah understood that the pancreas NORMALLY produces all the insulin the body needs. The test to determine diabetes involves measuring the concentration of sugar in the blood. If it is high, the assumption is that the pancreas is malfunctioning because insufficient quantities of insulin MUST NOT be present. The 'cure' is to begin with pills, eventually graduating to injections. As you continue to inject more artificial insulin, you literally 'retrain' the pancreas and cause it to atrophy in its own internal insulin production. A form of negative biofeedback. (I am uncertain as to the correct spin, but I think it is a right handed spin which is necessary for absorption, so don't count on this anecdote as being totally factual.) In nature, everything has a spin, either to the left or to the right. I believe it is food which rotates in a right hand direction that can be easily absorbed by the body. However, food with a left hand rotation can NOT be absorbed. So, the pancreas can apparently accept all ingested sugars and convert left handed sugar to right handed, thus ensuring a minimum of sugar in the blood because most of it is NOW right handed and will be absorbed, not left in the bloodstream to cause confusion. Dinshah said that the pancreas was malfunctioning in its ability to flip the rotation of the sugar to a digestible form, and so had to be treated to restore the ability. A high intensity colored light was projected on the pancreas as a treatment. After the treatment, the majority of sugars were thereafter properly rotated (to the right instead of the left). This would allow the body to absorb nearly all the ingested sugars and keep the blood sugar at normal levels. Dinshah said it was wrong to inject manmade insulin into a body just because the blood sugar level was temporarily measured to be unusually high or low. Why should the pancreas go to the trouble of producing insulin when it was being provided from external sources, thus requiring no effort from the body. As the pancreas is subjected to less and less loading, it eventually atrophies and the diabetic symptoms progressively worsen as the insulin needs are no longer partially supplied by the pancreas. This of course requires more and more externally supplied insulin. Thanks to the efforts of Mike Hughes in sharing some wonderful Energy Unlimited papers, I found an article which CLAIMS to be a cancer, leukemia and DIABETES cure. The following article is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as a recommendation for treatment of any illness. If you have medical problems, deal with a trained medical practitioner. KeelyNet, Vanguard Sciences, its principals and associates are in no way responsible for any effects which might result in the reader taking actions based on the enclosed information.....whew, that's over................enjoy!...>>> Jerry ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ From Energy Unlimited #12, Winter 1981, page 46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cancer and Leukemia Cure (alledged) The inner bark of two South American trees of the Bignoniaceae family is being used successfully in the treatment of various diseases, including cancer, by South American physicians. A brew made with the inner bark of Lapacho Morado (Tabebuia Altissima) or Lapacho Colorado (Tabebuia Avellanedae) appears to attack the cause of the disease. Physicians at the municipal hospital of Santo Andre, a suburb of Sao Paulo, have noticed that the pain suffered by patients with leukemia or other cancers disappears within hours after they receive a tea brewed from the inner bark of Pau D'Arco Roxo. They have also verified that, within 30 days of treatment with this medicine, most patients no longer show any cancer symptoms. ** Diabetes apparently is cured EVEN FASTER than cancer. ** Since the early 1960's, this bark has been used regularly at the municipal hospital there. Both the herb stores and the 'legitimate' pharmacies in Brazil now carry this bark. The red Pau D'Arco, besides eliminating pain, also cures ulcers and rheumatism and, almost always in less than one month. Another name for the Lapachos is Ipes, a name used in southern Brazil. Ipe roxo is called Pau D'Arco and the red Lapacho is called Pau D'Arco Roxo. The red Lapacho is very common in the tropical lowlands. The Lapacho Morado, or purple Lapacho, grows in cooler climates like the Andes. After an article appeared in O Cruzeiro, the physicians at the hospital were ordered not to make public statements about the hospital's affairs without prior authorization by the Santo Andre City Council. The Brazilian Cancer Society was furious about the publicity for the "bark" cures. It wanted to forbid the doctors to use the remedy, but the city fathers of Santo Andre would not agree to that as the bark of the red Pau D'Arco was saving them a lot of money by CURING PATIENTS and EMPTYING the hospital. Source : Fred Anthony Warren ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (It would follow that many people in this part of the world would not have health insurance and so the hospitals and city government would have to bear the costs of prolonged cancer treatments or hospital stays, so the faster they were cured, the less overall cost to the local government.........>>> Jerry) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------