More on the Aussie Lutec 1000 Overunity generator - 03/30/01

Scott Waring of Australia kindly sent in a scan of this article from the Cairns Post, which I have converted to html for convenience of loading. The original scan is included, click on it to enlarge.

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reported by Penny Robins

Inventors spark rush for power

click to enlarge

Two Cairns inventors who say they have developed a radical new energy generating machine have been swamped with inquiries over the past 24 hours since going public with their discovery.

One Cairns businessman already has offered a substantial sum of money to bankroll the establishment of a factory to produce the new generator.

He was among a crowd of curious Far Northerners who rished to contact Edge Hill electrician Lou Brits and Brinsmead mechanical enginner John Christie once news of their invention broke in the Cairns Post yesterday.

Investors, people with scientific backgrounds and those who were keen to buy one of the new Lutec 1000 machines to power their homes swamped the Cairns Post and the two inventors, who work from home, with their calls. The generator is capable of producing 24 kilowatts of energy per day and is powered by the alternating attraction and repulsion of internal magnets once it is kickstarted from a battery source.

It has more than twice enough energy to power the average family home, while remaining free from heat, emissions or airborne matter. Mr. Christie said he and Mr. Brits realised their invention "flew in the face of physics" by being 500 per cent efficient - but it worked.

"The phone hasn't stopped ringing." Mr. Christie said yesterday afternoon.

"We've had calls from the Daintree - people wanting to place orders and buy them.

"We're happy about that but, really, we're not in the position to take orders."

Mr. Christie said he began receiving phone calls from 7:30AM yesterday (when the story was first reported).

Mr. Christie said people begain arriving unannounced on his doorstep from 8:30AM.

He said two people he had never met before had even needed to be ushered out of the room just after 9AM when he went on air for a radio interview.

An international patent is pending on the invention and the two men already have received interest from overseas. But Mr. Brits and Mr. Christie say they are keen to setup a production plant in Cairns to produce the machines on a small scale to power homes in remote areas of Queensland like the Daintree region and in the Torres Strait.

Cairns businessman Alex Roma yesterday said he was prepared to help bankroll the production plant as it was an opportunity to expand industry in the Far North.

Ahead of meeting the two inventors late yesterday, Mr. Roma said if their invention stacked up, he was prepared to up up "a large sum" to help make the local production plant a reality.

"Looking at this, it's fantastic," he said.

"I've always said Cairns needs a boost in industry - it's one thing Cairns is lacking.

"We'd employ local people and produce something we could export apart from sugar cane and seafood."

Mr. Roma said an opportunity existed to produce locally not just the machines but all of the accompanying components.

Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch lent his support to the proposal to develop a plant to manufacture the clean, green power generators in Cairns.

Ergon Energy spokeswoman Sara Collins said discussions were ongoing with the inventors, who hope to sell excess power back to the grid.

Additional information can be found at;

Original notice from 03/08/01 courtesy Robert Terry

Patent courtesy Scott Waring

and the file sent in by Cal Schindel at;

Side photo of Lutec 1000 with data

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