Bedini Advanced Motor - 06/08/01
no details will be provided until patent is granted

Received the following from John to post so decided to add to this URL, he did not include the email from Lawrence Miller;

Subject: energy
Date: Sat, 14 Jul 2001 01:23:51 -0700
From: "john1"
To: "Jerry Decker"

Lawrence Miller

First let Me answer you about the MEG, this is not My invention this solely belongs to Tom Bearden and you must go to Him.

As for the Electromagnetics that sparky was instructing Me in, it is much to difficult to do on the internet, everything Sparky was doing is what he learned all along building the AC systems and transformer systems. It was Required to do differential equations in everything He was doing some of the theory was done By Bearden. Like the Vacuum Triode.

I have posted many things on what the energy is two or three have reproduced the results in their Motors. But somehow they now have shut up, I think I know the reason why, could it be because the group just wants to talk about what they cant do.

Or maybe they just don't have the time to do anything except whine about how the people that have done this won't give them the information, I can understand this too If the machine works a certain way, WHY CHANGE IT and then when it does not work complain about it, this surely will get you the answer.

I have been open on everything I have done and I have tried to answer all the questions that people have e-mailed Me but when you get questions about "Where do you by Magnets and how do I wind a coil and what do you put in them" I just TRASH these, Now I admit that some times their are things some people just do not know and I will try to help them get started if they are Honest about what their doing.

I also admit that their are many times I just do not have the time to spend with them, but in most cases I do and I make the time. But what I notice the most is the way your E-Mail is picked apart trying to analyze the person that wrote it you only will get confused this way.

It's true we are all getting older and we do not have anything yet that has a closed loop, WELL you can't close the Loop in a open system these systems work just fine this way. I will also tell you that the only closed loop system you will ever see will be a full Permanent Magnetic Motor, but I can see now that the people working on this stuff have been run off for some reason.

If some one has a motor that makes over unity and post the details then the group should make it and test it before it's said it doesn't work, many things have been lost this way before the truth is known. But you cant build things if it's in bits and pieces unless you are very intuitive.

Some of the people that do this kind of work want you to build what they did and when no one does it hurts, so why bother anymore it's just another story to tell later on. To work in the Free Energy field you must be very opened minded about everything, you must lay everything aside you ever learned in school on electronics.

Our engineering deals with electron movements this is "current". In a Free Energy system you must learn to use the opposite pure Voltage (pure potential), after it's working you must convert this into what are instruments see (ELECTRONS) to do this you must be very intuitive. But explaining all this just makes us one day older.

Anyway I finally got a picture of a very high voltage power pulse inside a battery and it is cold boiling I can feel the pulse in heat out side the battery 3 to 4 inches away, but this is what it looks like (Pictures sent with this post) another thing this battery does is gain voltage under load, Haven't figured this out yet.

The pulse is about 30,000 watts into the impedance of the battery of .0023 ohms for one second the battery thinks it's a 22 volt battery , any comments.


Jerry please post

Had a long talk with John and he is of the opinion some of the claimed successes have resulted in signed non-disclosures or other deals preventing the people from supplying additional information. This has been seen over and over in past claims where additional information or specs were requested and refused to be given.

The problem with failing to follow through on claims adds yet another potential legend or mystery story with nothing to back it up.

We got to talking about self-running magnetic motors like the Minato device and John mentioned a fellow named Dixon who had developed a self-running motor that used a fibonacci spiral with magnetic cams which would produce 40hp. I believe he said this Dixon fellow was building and installing them and ended up in prison for something. I asked him if it was rotary or reciprocal and he said it was definitely reciprocal to take advantage of the cam actions. Might have more to follow on this later. I could find no references to it by doing a search

John refers to forward conversion, likening it to developing a pure potential which must be sent into a battery and cut off before actual current flows. Pure potential means a pure electric charge much like Hoopers motional field which used a moebius to cancel the magnetic component. John says he finds a PWM (pulse width modulator) circuit works best and when looking at the pulses on a scope they are exactly 180 degrees out of phase, showing 180 of electric, 180 of magnetic, alternating pulses.

Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2001 14:10:34 -0700
From: Newkirk, Dennis E.

I must say that for me, what makes Mr. Bedini's motor elegant is its sheer simplicity. I'm not a scholarly engineer, but I have played with these devices. Many of the responders on this list seem to theorize and pontificate as if it were their own invention. Sure, it is good to pick things apart, to question and to have honest debate. How else are we to grow in knowledge? But I wonder how many have actually replicated the simple two-battery model that was provided on

It's like John Bedini said,... first build the motors as depicted without changing anything to verify that they work, and then experiment to change parameters for efficiency. Remember how it felt when you built your first project from someone else's plans, and it worked? Imagine how I felt when I found that I could charge up a simple 9v nicad battery while the primary battery continued to run the motor circuit!

Do you really need to have the magnets? You can answer this yourself by viewing the secondary coil pulses on an oscilloscope. Spin the rotor by external means to approximate the rpm at which your model runs when self powered. Make note of the pulse amplitude and shape. Now power up the primary battery circuit and note the output pulse amplitude and shape. See what it's all about?

Is it free energy? Depends on your perspective. In my estimation, the inventors of these pulsed dc motors haven't tapped any magic out of the cosmos. But rather, they have improved on the efficiency of conventional dc motors by several hundred percent. All along, industry has been pouring electrical dollars down the drain via continuous armature current (or stator, as the case may be).

Granted, I appreciate that there are other considerations like power, rpm, torque, etc. But the one principal, fundamental fact that makes this entire setup look like a miracle is that we are now capturing the once wasted flux and translating it back into useful power.

Early on I thought that a simple oscillator could be applied to the coil to replace the magnet triggering. And then use a high impedance detection circuit on the capacitor to dump the charge into the second battery when the voltage reaches optimal level. But let's get real. Adding more components, no matter how passive you try to design the circuit, only draws more power and lowers the overall efficiency.

What's the purpose here: to craft a generator, a more efficient motor, or both? I pondered this at great length until I came full circle. Yes, the beauty of the Bedini motor is its simplicity. The magnets trigger the base circuit and the transistor moves exponentially into saturation. The secondary winding transforms both the rising flux and the abrupt decay generated by the switching collector current. These transformed pulses may only be microseconds in duration, but they definitely accrue a useful charge into the capacitor.

Remember: Charge, Store, Time, and Discharge into a secondary loop.

No need to add another piece of circuitry to detect and dump the accumulated charge when a cam switch on the reduction pulley (hence, the Time element) does the job so elegantly.

So how does one determine the worth of this device? Again, I suppose it's in the eye of the beholder. My little "toy" does a decent job of moving the air. A plastic five-inch diameter 4-lobed fan blade attached to the rotor shaft develops a fair breeze. Sure, a typical dc hobby motor would do the same thing. But could that conventional fan charge up another battery while it operated?

I suspect that in a few years we will see enhancements of these type motors on the market with enough power to be a reasonable prime mover and yet incorporate the mechanism of capturing the 'present-day' wasted flux. It's up to you guys to help keep the process moving forward by continuing to experiment and to share your results on round-table sites like keelynet.

Thank you Mr. Decker for providing just such a forum.

Another relevant post to understanding the battery, motor and tube;

Date: Sat, 9 Jun 2001 01:19:51 -0700
From: "john1"
To: "Jerry Decker"

Jerry,and all

IT seems to Me that all are still having trouble building this simple motor, I said build the motor just as the plans do not make any changes until the motor is working there are a few things that should be taken into consideration, the Transistor you are using, some of these transistors have different gain's and effect the performance.

2 I also said to the Group that closing the loop will not work, you need to have a secondary loop to gather the energy, this is true of all free energy machines, why cant you close the loop because the motor is just the trigger to make the spike waveform which is not useable to the primary system, it must be transformed and stored until the proper time and then discharged. The motor does not work the same as Williams shock charger and should not be confused as working the same. Yes the shock charger works but only as a pulse Battery charger, these have been around for a long time.

I must disagree with William in his analogy of the definitions as to why the motor does what it does and where the energy comes from. The magnet does not supply any energy to the output of My collection system it just delivers rotation to the rotor for power and that's it, also driving the timing wheel. I have broken this system in the simplest form for everybody to build.

The correct test for the recovery of any battery would be to have a controlled discharge rate over a period versus the primary battery in time when the two curves cross and the motor system keeps running you are over unity and have beaten the 1 watt challenge, but you must also take the work done by the Rotor.

Would it not be nice to have one of these models working that did what Robert said that during the Ice Storm he had lights wile nobody else had power, just switch the batteries and keep going. I have had such power since 1984. I do not tell everyone this I just use the power that the system delivers without question. I know why the system works and the ins and outs of it I just did not stumble into this as some have said this took many years of hard work and many failures, As for Tom Bearden His system is his own.

As for the Battery paper, Tom came to Me and asked permission to write what He thought was taking place this does not make the paper worthless as some have said for without his Theory's none of you would even be at first base, so to blast Tom's work is like living in the dark ages, You All should send Tom your blessings for this." Think of this" You would not even be using the Buzz words like Scalar, ect.

As for those who have got machines to work from My machines I commend You. As for those who did not get things to work try a little harder, but for those who just say your DEAD WRONG how would they know when they changed the whole machine, but are using your ideas. If you think that these Machines will go by the wayside think again, I know no one will be filing Patents on My work Because I have already done this a year ago, filed 5 patents on the workings of the machine and how it charges the Batteries, along with the pulse charging effect The first of these has been granted with all the claims.You can not look up the Patent until it's out in print so hold on. I have sent a E-Mail To Jerry explaining to You all what Pulse Charging does to the battery and why it works and how it works. I know that this works because I have hired the testing labs to do the testing and have the documents to prove it. I have also said to the group that Time is very important in the recovery system along with stored charge and then the dump into the load (THE BATTERY).

I also have said that you are gathering all the spikes only, and this is what I mean and nothing else, just pure Potential in voltage and no current taken from the primary side wile this function is preformed.

(Time) is very important with electrons and Ion's for it changes the battery's chemical output in sustained charge or current flow in ampere hours. It does this because of the chemical reaction that takes place in the battery as it chips away the oxidation and puts it back into the solution, when these factors are right, you will produce cold boiling of the battery and even after the machine is turned off the battery continues to boil and re-charge on it's own.

There is one more thing that takes place after dies-charge the recovery rate is much faster. So Tom Bearden is right the Battery does continue to Charge itself. ( Cold Fusion) (Negative Resistor), all that is needed to do this are the simple rules the motor teaches.

The Charge, this is the part of the circuit that takes the time to understand because all the capacitors are not the same, You must choose one that can charge very fast and discharge fast, but must sustain the current for the battery to except, Their are false effects that can take place in the battery if this is not correct.

Back to the capacitors for a moment, look at the capacitor you have chosen as a water bucket, but this bucket never get completely empty so that when the capacitor is discharged the water in the bucket goes to 1/2 the bucket, when the charging takes place it does not take much to fill the bucket, when full you dump the bucket back to 1/2 and this happens over and over.

This is the difference in the machine your trying to build verses a pulse charged system. Back to the Battery The testing of any system is important so therefore you must know what the battery is and what it takes to charge it, you need to know what the manufacture wants as a discharge rate in Ma for a given period in time.

You need to know that the battery can supply say 120 Ma for 8 hrs , then you need a controlled amplifier to hold this rate for the time required and then you will know if your system is working properly, without this TEST you do not know. Lets Say that the battery was charged in 45 minutes by your meters, this does not mean the battery is fully charged it could appear to be charged but would not sustain the TEST under controlled current.

The next step would be to charge one battery of the same type, to the manufactures spec now you have a control battery to verse the battery you charged. Now do the controlled discharge and if the battery you charged goes longer YOU HAVE DONE IT, because now you have tapped the TIME domain of free energy.

Tesla , Moray, EVA GRAY, and many more. all these systems did not have a closed loop. The systems were open to the energy and not fed back to the input to close the loop in this type of system is asking for trouble . We all working on these systems haven't even scratch the surface of trying to close the loop, but if you run the system the way explained you not only get mechanical work but you have charged the secondary system Battery, Now you have more then 1 watt.

John Bedini 6-8-2001
Jerry Please Post

Date: Sun, 10 Jun 2001 01:26:36 -0700
From: "john1"
To: "Jerry W. Decker"


I found Kens E-Mail address so I sent him the two posts. et me say something to you about the motors. The motors perform one function and that is to send the correct pulse to the" Secondary Batteries" 4 identical to be exact. I'm sending you a picture of one of the advanced motors, (at top of this page) "That does this" I'm not going to give dimensions so please nobody ask Me or I will ignore the E-Mails.

I must Say It's about time to stop and read what I have put in the posts. The things I have panted are all based on Mechanical devices for creating such a pulse, this does not mean that I did not file on the electronic circuits that make this possible, because I did. These are My own Ideas and I have paid dearly to testing Labs and hired university professors to check out My theories. I know what works and what doesn't work. I did not invent the pulse charger this has been here for a long time, what I did invent is a better way to do it through different means and that all I did. I say this to you all, do not confuse My Machines with normal pulse chargers because they do something different in the way they work.

(PULSE CHARGERS) first they push a continuous charge to the battery and when the battery reaches 13.5 volts they just pulse to top off the charge and this is what they do. My machines do something complete different in the way they charge the battery, I use one primary battery and charge four others." On My Start Page" at you will see a motor running blinking a 120v 50 watt light. this motor is a full re-gauging motor, meaning that it flips the magnet located at the end of the iron bars, as the motor does this it captures the switching pluses and stores them until it "flashes charges" (Cc) the light. this is real power in watts it does this on 48 Milliamperes input power from a 12 volt source.

The motor speed is about 4000 RPM this is why you see all the reduction Pulleys , this is to get the proper timing for the discharge to the storage battery. Their is no closed loop here, The "flash Charge" (Cc) could just as easily be going to four other batteries, but in this case I'm flashing the light so you can see it.

Their is no secret here Moray did the same thing EVA Gray did the same thing. Tesla did the same thing. Yes it is a sad day for everybody, everything in this world works this way and that's it, there is no more to talk about, all energy coming to earth is in waves or pulses" it's how you catch them and put them to work for you" This is the WAY it is and you are powerless to change the fact that you overlooked it. This is what all the Books got everybody total closed loop mind theory . To put this to you one other way You only see one TREE when there is a whole forest of TREES. And you have been brainwashed and now are powerless to do anything about it, Oh yes it a sad day for you.

Do you really know why you pay for energy"""" You CLOSE THE LOOP BETWEEN YOU AND THE LOCAL GENERATORS"" So keep looking for that 1 WATT in a closed loop, hope you pay more. Think People what have you been taught, how to go look up your next set of do's and don'ts.

Tesla new better then this, everything was in impulses and waves He said so, Moray said the same thing , it came in in WAVES and impulses, Gray said the same thing I USE HIGH VOLTAGE SPARK DISCHARGE """PULSES""""

So I must say this to you ALL it is a sad day. Just think how sad it's going to be when your wife cant plug in Her hair dryer in, and their is no more GAS TO TURN THAT GENERATOR. and your still trying to close that loop yes what a sad DAY.

I must say that I was DE VRY trained but I woke up to the fact its all "CRAP" in what they teach in current flow and electron movement, it's just a way to keep you going over and over the same thing wile YOU PAY for the energy you use wile building circuits that are useless for energy. The degree gets you the job to build more useless CRAP so you can pay more for energy and drive further to work each day. it's all a closed loop systems designed to draw current so you pay more. Ken Hope you got the answer you wanted.

Jerry please post

Date: Sun, 10 Jun 2001 02:30:21 -0700
From: "john1"
To: "Jerry W. Decker"

TO Bill McMurtry

I have used about every battery known to man, the company has bought over $10,000 dollars in batteries, I have found one battery that works better then the rest, the interstate battery they seem to do something different in the mix for the plates, I'm having this analyzed right now.

The battery that's bad right out of the box is Excide, all others are about the same.

Charts for the batteries are on the internet under the manufacture. I would say Interstate is the best at this time.
